Chapter 15: Prom

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(Imma have to pull a Puppy Love and post all three last chapters... I have them half written but I already have ideas so they'll be posted at random times, Okay enjoy! 💕)

~No Ones POV~
Connie furiously walked around, "So your plan didn't work? I'm not surprised" Chad said stretching "So what do we do now?" Peeps asked curios, "All we want us for them to feel as humiliated as they made us feel" Chad said crossing his arms as he put his weight on the wall. "How can we humiliate them? Our plan to get them to chest didn't work" Peeps said slouching on the couch, "Hmm" Connie said, "I GOT IT!" Peeps screamed, "Prom is coming up, Let's play a prank on them!" She said,
"I'm in! But not a small one... one that will fuck them up" Chad said.

~Spinel's POV~
I slowly opened my eyes as I looked down, I saw a peaceful sleeping Steven on my chest. I put my hand on his cheek, soon he slowly opened his eyes as well. "Why'd you wake me up" Steven groaned rubbing his eyes, "Sorry but you looked so cute~" I said kissing his forehead making him blush, "I uh have a question" He asked scooting how a bit, "Yes?" I asked, "Do you want to go to prom with me?" He asked. I smiled "Of course!" I said kissing his cheek and head over and over again,

"Spinel stop!" He chuckled, "That tickles!" He yelled, "Omg! I have to find an outfit!" I screamed shaking Steven, Listen I know this isn't like me but I'm just really excited to go! "Uhm me too, I'll pick you up on the day of prom~" Steven said switching around and started kissing me on the cheek and forehead. "Steven! Okay okay I have to go! I'll see you later~" I laughed as she kissed Steven on the lips and ran out the door. Steven smiled like an idiot and ran to his closet.

~No ones POV~
Spinel ran to her house smiling as she closed the front door behind herself, "WHATS got you so happy?" Blue asked, Spinel jumped making sure she buttoned up her shirt. "UHM I- I JUST UHM" Spinel panicked wondering if she should tell them that Steven asked her out to prom. "Hmm" Yellow said looking at Spinels attire, "You look like you did something last night that wore you out" Yellow stated
suspiciously, Blue walked over with a even more suspicious look, "Spinel?" Yellow asked now her and blue giving stern looks,

She knew She had been caught so she gave up, "Okay okay, I stayed over at Steven's house" The girl said, "Is that all?" Yellow asked pointing at her shirt, "Uh, Hehe" Spinel said tapping her index fingers, "Did you at least use a condom?" Yellow asked causing blue to gasp which made me laugh. "IT DIDN'T GET THAT FAR I PROMISE!" She said remembering what went down last night. "Good, You're too young" Blue said, "But, Steven asked me out to Prom~" She said twirling around and putting my boots, "OH MY! WE HAVE TO BUY YOU A DRESS ABS GET YOU ALL PRETTIED UP!" Blue squealed, She smiled "Are we really going to let her go? I mean... What if-" "Oh yellow! She'll be fine!" Blue cheered as she ran out the door with.

~Steven's POV~
I fixed my tie as I looked into the mirror, "We look absolutely flavorful~" Lapis said. Amethyst smiled as Peridot kissed Lapis on the cheek. "Where's Spinel?" Amethyst asked fixing her tie as well, "Oh she wanted to meet us at the school, She says she wanted to blow me away with her dress" I said smiling.

"Alright, I'm down" Amethyst said, I smiled and heard Pearl calling us down. We ran down ready to take photos, "Ah! I'm so excited!" Pearl yelled grabbing her phone, "Smile!" Garnet said, We all posed and Smiled. "Have fun!" Pearl said as we ran out the door.

~Spinel's POV~
I stood outside the school my hands cupped together. Soon I saw Steven pull up and I smiled, "Hey Spinel!" Amethyst yelled hugging me, "Holy shit you look so awesome!" Peridot yelled, "You look beautiful" Steven said kissing my cheek, I blushed "Thank you kind sir~" I teased, (Also if you want a mental image, The photo above is what she looks like) "Wow! Look at this place! It's awesome!" Peridot yelled with Stars in her eyes.

~No ones POV~
"Should we do it now?" Connie asked, "No let them have their fun, Then we'll tell everyone what they did and then spill the water on them once we put a spotlight on them" Chad said putting a cigarette in his mouth. "When?" Peeps asked, "10, Exactly 10" Chad answered. The two girls smiled and sat back.

Spinel sat down at a table eating some snacks with some punch, "Hey, You never told me why you hated my mom?" Steven said, Spinel's Eyes widened, "Ahem fine I'll tell you why your mom is a bitch" Spinel said, "When I was little your mom babysat me, She fucking left me alone there no food or water because she said I was too immature and dumb" Spinel explained, "Fuck her" Steven said, Spinel smiled, "Definitely, Fuck her"

Amethyst spun around, "Man! No one told me Prom would be so much fun!" She yelled out, "I told you that already!" Lapis screamed, "Oh... STILL!" Amethyst took a sip of her punch.

"Can I have your attention please?" Connie yelled out, Everyone looked and Steven rolled his eyes, "Spinel, Steven... Come to the middle please~" She said.

"What do you want?" Steven asked holding Spinel's hand as they stood in the middle. Suddenly a bright light shined on them.

"You all know these two" Peeps said, Spinel's face whitened, (oh jeez this is about to be real painful) "The complete ass holes" Chad said. Steven frowned, "Let's start with Spinel shall we?" Peeps said. "Spinel, Sweet naive Spinel. The slut" She started off, "FUCK YOU!" Steven shouted, "She slept with so many guys and girls I can't believe it!" Peeps said, Some people started talking which made Spinel feel small, "Me being one of them, and hey if you are on of them too don't feel bad because Spinel will always say shit to make you think she loves you" Peeps said, "After she broke up with me she got together with Steven Universe" Peeps said,

"Oh and Speaking of Steven Universe, He's just the same!" Chad yelled, Steven sighed, "It was Halloween and there was a party, This ass hole was lying to everyone and decided to lie to me saying he liked me and shit" He said, "So long story short" Connie said, "These two don't give a fuck about anyone's feelings not even sweet little Steven" She said, The two looked around them as people gave them disgusted looks as Amethyst, Lapis, and Peridot mouthed things like "It's okay" The two wanted to believe that but they couldn't,

Suddenly Connie spoke up, "Everyone, Except for Steven and Spinel. Step back!" Everyone did but before Steven and Spinel stepped back Water, cigarettes, bra's, and condoms fell on the two. Everyone was silent until laughter clouded the room, Amethyst groaned as Lapis and Peridot cursed Connie out. "I-I can't believe this" Spinel said. The water and tears made her eye liner run down her cheeks, people laughed and pointed at them. Steven  looked around feeling sick to his stomach.

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Steven saw pink as he felt the air being sucked from him. He put a hand to his chest as the laughter became mute from his ears,  He walked through the crowd, "Steven?" Spinel called out, She walked behind him and Amethyst, Lapis, and Peridot joined in. "Oh come on dude they're idiots! Let's all run away! I swear" Amethyst said. The rest kept telling him how things would be okay but ringing filled his ears, He gripped his chest and kept taking a deep breath. Steven looked at the right and surprisingly saw his mom, The boy gave her a shocked face. What the boy didn't know was that he had just blacked out and was laying coldly on the floor... Dead.

Dead to Me(Human Spinel x Full human Steven) Where stories live. Discover now