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Liberty High was just another average high school in an average town but then an event took place that no one saw coming and it rocked everyone's lives

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Liberty High was just another average high school in an average town but then an event took place that no one saw coming and it rocked everyone's lives. A girl killed herself. It was a tragedy and the town mourned the loss of such a beautiful soul but to every story, there's another side. What most people didn't know was that the girl, Hannah Baker, had more than one reason for doing what she did. She had thirteen reasons why she did what she did and those thirteen reasons were all linked to Liberty High.

Only a small handful of students knew the truth, the whole truth and not just the truth that led to her death, but everything along the way. Those students had never had a reason to hangout before, not until the truth was mailed to one of Hannah's only friends, Clay Jensen. Now that it was his turn to hear the truth, to hear her reasons for killing herself, the other students got scared; scared that he would tell someone and that they would all take the fall and so they tried to think of ways that they could stop Clay.

One student of Liberty High that was right in the middle of all of this, had no idea she was. She was just trying to survive high school, literally survive and that was hard with an older brother who practically ran the school. She hadn't known Hannah, met her at a party once and maybe had a few classes together but that was it. This girl was the opposite of her brother, wanting to keep a low profile, being more talented in academics rather than athletics and not wanting the same things that he wanted.

"So, you didn't know that Hannah Baker?"

"No Bryce, I've already told you, we never talked." Lily groaned, hating that the siblings were having the same conversation as they had every morning since the death had been announced.

"But you knew her?"

"She came to one of your parties, and she had that fling with Justin. I never talked to her, did you?"

Bryce shook his head. "This isn't about me. Look, I just want you to be safe-"

"I know, but we really need to get to class."

Bryce rolled his eyes but opened the door to his car signalling that she could also get out and they could head into school together. Ever since the death of Hannah Baker, he had been more protective over her, wanting to make sure that she stayed out of trouble. But Lily didn't see the problem, she didn't know the girl and she wanted to just continue on with her life, pretending that she wasn't in the middle of this but the reality was, that she was in the middle of this. And because of that, her life would never be the same.

"Hey, Walker!"

The siblings turned their heads so that they could see who was calling them, noticing that it was a boy wearing the signature Liberty colours, Lily knew that the call wasn't aimed at her. Bryce was hesitant to let his sister walk into school by herself and hovered for a second, he wanted to join his friends but he wanted to watch over his sister too.

"Go, Bryce. I can make it to homeroom without you trailing behind me." She sighed, pushing him in the direction of his friends.

She hugged her files closer to her chest as she headed for the large double doors, knowing that today was just another day in the hell hole that was school. But she liked normal days, she hated the thought of anything out of the ordinary happening; she wanted to keep her head down and not draw attention to herself, maybe without Bryce she would be able to do that. Just as she was about to pull open the door, she heard someone call her.

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