40: let the dead bury the dead

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A lot had happened since the assembly; so much that even Lily had no idea what was going on anymore

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A lot had happened since the assembly; so much that even Lily had no idea what was going on anymore. The last few days had been a blur and so much information had been thrown her way that she didn't even know what to do with it. It was like she was living but she wasn't really there because she couldn't process what had happened and what was about to happen. She couldn't believe that her life had gotten to this stage and now all she wanted to do was have a normal life, she didn't want anymore drama.

Zach had admitted to her that he had killed Bryce, which wasn't completely true but she knew the truth about the night of the Homecoming game and she knew that he didn't beat up Bryce for no reason. He had decided that they would break up, that it wasn't right for them to be together after what he had done to her brother and at that time, Lily agreed that it wasn't something she should be thinking about. Her brother was murdered, she shouldn't have to worry about her relationship but now that a few days had passed, she missed him. She knew that she shouldn't because of what he had done but she needed comfort, she needed love and the only person that was capable of all of that was Zach. She needed him but he didn't want to believe it.

The truth had been revealed to the small group of friends and they had come up with a plan, with the go ahead from Lily because she was the only person in the room that had actually had some kind of connection with Bryce but she knew that the right thing to do was to protect her friends. It was Zach who had beaten him so badly that he couldn't walk, but it was Alex that had thrown him off the pier and at first she was confused as to why he would do something like that; but then she remembered that Bryce wasn't innocent and he provoked people, even when he was in danger of dying, he made stupid decisions.

It was Ani's idea to tell the cops everything, to go to the station with the entire story and she made the plan of putting the blame on Monty. Due to Tyler reporting the sexual assault issue, Monty had been arrested and the group were informed that morning that Monty had been murdered in his cell. The other prisoners can be selective on who they like and it depends on what you're in there for, they didn't like that Monty had sexually assaulted a child and so, they killed him. For the small group of friends, who desperately wanted to protect each other, it was the perfect story; they could blame Monty for the murder and no one would ever know.

Now, they were all sat in the bedroom of Clay and Justin, waiting for Ani and Tony to get back form the station. Everyone was sat apart, as if they weren't really protecting the entire group, but certain individuals and everyone could see that this investigation was taking a toll on all of them. Justin and Jessica sat on his bed, waiting for their friends to come back, Clay was opposite them on his own bed. Lily was sat on the sofa, next to Tyler, who was looking at stuff on his phone and Zach and Alex were sat at the table. The friends were all worried that their story wouldn't add up and would cause more concern for the police but they were also all worried about one member of their group in particular.

Lily was struggling, it was like she wasn't even in the room as she stared at the wall, stuck in her own thoughts. They all knew that it was difficult for her because this was an investigation about her brother but they had hoped that she would handle it better than she was. They didn't realise that the only reason she had handled it before was because she had Zach, now she didn't have him and she didn't know what to do.

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