42: college tour

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Liberty High seemed to just be a beacon for drama as everything bad that had happened to the students, always led back to the school

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Liberty High seemed to just be a beacon for drama as everything bad that had happened to the students, always led back to the school. Somehow the school was becoming more problematic and had decided to install safety measures which many people would argue were not actually keeping anyone safe. There were cameras set up in every inch of the school and some rumours stated that they were thinking of placing them in the locker rooms even though it was highly inappropriate. To get into the school, you had to walk through a metal detector and allow your backpack to be searched and there were police officers stationed all over the campus.

Lily felt uncomfortable as she walked through the metal detector, passing her backpack to the nearest officer and watching him look through her belongings. Luckily, she hadn't set the alarm off which meant that she didn't have to get patted down but she had witnessed other people being searched and it wasn't a pleasant experience. When her backpack was handed back to her, she was confused to see a big crowd of people had gathered around the admin doors.

She pushed through the crowd to see what had happened, and her breath caught in her throat when she finally saw what everyone had been staring at. Painted in red across the admin doors was the phrase, 'Monty was framed.' Her heart beat fast against her chest as she tried to work out who had done this and also what to do next; her eyes darted across to the side of the hall where Alex and Jessica had just arrived, so she pushed through the crowd again to reach them. They both looked as worried as she did, and she knew that they had the same questions as her; who did this and why?

"What the fuck? Who did this?" Jess questioned, looking at both of her friends worriedly.

"No fucking idea."

Before Lily could agree with Alex's statement, that she had no idea who had done this, they were interrupted by the one person that neither girls could stand. Jess had never been a big fan of Zach, not after knowing what he had done to Hannah and now that he had broken the heart of one of her best friends, she definitely didn't like him. Lily couldn't help but still care for him, even if she did hate what he had done and the way that he was currently behaving. The only person that could actually tolerate him was Alex, they were best friends, and he wasn't judging him for the way that he was acting. They both knew what it felt like, they had both played a part in the death of Bryce.

"Holy shit, the admin doors." He laughed, leaning his arm on the wall above them. "Respect."

"Do you know who did this?" Jess asked, crossing her arms across her chest as she spoke to him.

"No, but they've got balls."

Lily rolled her eyes, frustration on her face as she shook her head at him. "How can you-"

"We're so fucked!" Jess interrupted, knowing how bad this was for all of them; their small window of normality had been ruined because of whoever did this.

"Yeah." Zach laughed before disappearing down the corridor, leaving the other three to think about this situation and the way that he had been acting.

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