27: new girl

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A total of eight months had now passed since the Spring Fling and so much had happened, most of the important events that had occurred had only happened in the last few weeks but there was more drama than ever before

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A total of eight months had now passed since the Spring Fling and so much had happened, most of the important events that had occurred had only happened in the last few weeks but there was more drama than ever before. Something that was still on everyone's minds was the big Homecoming Game on Friday night; most people had had the weekend to get over the event but for a few students, the night was still lingering in their minds.

For Lily, the night had caused more chaos than ever before and had meant she spent most of the night at the hospital with Zach. Now that she was in school on Monday morning, she was trying to forget about everything that had happened; hoping that a day of school would take her mind off of everything that she had been doing in the past few months. Something that she couldn't get out of her head was how her boyfriend had been acting since the homecoming game, he had been badly injured and was worried that his injury would cost him scholarships for college but his attitude towards her had turned sour as well. She had no control over what had happened on the pitch and was desperate to help him but Zach was stubborn, he didn't like asking for help and he also didn't like pity, so they had been avoiding each other all weekend.

Jessica didn't care about the awkwardness between the couple, not even paying attention to the fact that they had hit a rocky patch in their relationship because the news that she had just been given was more important than any of that. So, she marched over to where Lily was stood by her locker and interrupted what had started as a normal day for the teenager.

"Do you know where Zach is?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure, have you checked the gym?"

"Dude, aren't you supposed to be soulmates or something, aren't you supposed to know where he is?"

"That's not how any relationship works." Lily sighed, knowing that she was about to get dragged into something. "Why do you need to speak with him?"

Jessica lowered her voice. "Clay was just arrested."

Her jaw dropped. "What? Oh my God, is it about Tyler?"

"I don't know, which is why I need to find Zach."

"Do you think he had something to do with it?" Lily asked, worried that her boyfriend was being framed for something that he didn't do.

"He wanted to call the police ever since that night, maybe he finally did it?"

She shook her head, not wanting to make any judgements on something that they had no idea about. "I don't know where he is but I think I know where to find him."

The two girls practically ran through the corridors because this was an emergency and they needed to find Zach as soon as possible. Ever since the Spring Fling, the small group of friends had grown closer because of them each wanting to help Tyler and now that one of their closest friends had been taken by the police; they knew that they needed to help him. The only person that had been set on getting the police involved with the incident was Zach, so it made sense that he was the person to accuse first.

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