10: tape 5, side b

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Lily was sat on the bleachers, trying to finish an essay for her English Literature class when she was joined by Marcus and Zach

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Lily was sat on the bleachers, trying to finish an essay for her English Literature class when she was joined by Marcus and Zach. Marcus was pissed because his plan for getting Clay suspended for a few days, so that they could have time to figure out a plan didn't work. He didn't know the reason why it didn't work but he had a suspicion, there was one person who hadn't liked his plan and thought that it was just a joke. That one person also happened to be in the same English class as Clay and he wanted to know what had happened; why hadn't his genius plan worked?

"Hey Lil, what are you doing?" Zach asked, he didn't know why Marcus had forced him to come with him to the bleachers but was happy that he got to see Lily because of it.

"Just trying to finish this essay, are you okay?"

Zach nodded, taking a seat next to her as Marcus stood in front of them in the row below, he was pacing back and forth and was obviously upset about something. Neither of them really knew what was going on but Lily had some idea that it was something to do with the whole drug incident, where Clay was not found guilty and Marcus had been called to Mr Porter's office, reprimanded for spreading untrue information.

"Marcus, is everything okay?" Lily asked, putting down her paper so that she could talk to him properly.

"No, it's not okay. Clay's still here. He didn't get suspended and he's more confident than ever."

"Why did you want to suspend Clay?"

Marcus rolled his eyes. "We wanted to keep him quiet."

"By framing him for having drugs, really, Marcus?" She said angrily, not wanting to beat around the bush anymore. "He could have been in real trouble."

"So, it was you?"

Zach sat up on the bench. "Okay, what the fuck is going on?"

"I'll tell you, what the fuck is going on, Little Miss Perfect over here ruined my plan. She sits next to Jensen in English and she took the drugs out of his bag so that the police wouldn't find it."

"You did?" Zach asked. "Why?"

"He hasn't done anything wrong, talk to him about it, don't put something on his record."

Marcus pointed his finger at her angrily. "Don't get involved with shit you have no business in!"

"Calm down." Zach raised his voice before turning to Lily. "What did you do with them?"

She opened up her bag and unzipped one of the pockets, pulling out the familiar see-through bag of drugs and the boys' mouths opened in surprise. "Wait, you have it?"

"I didn't know where to get rid of it, I'm not experienced in handling drugs."

Zach put his head in his hands. "Jesus, Lily, if Bryce knew-"

"If Bryce knew what? Why do you always bring him into things?"

"He's your brother." Marcus answered, stating the obvious.

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