51: graduation

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Today was the day that everyone had been waiting for; all those days of lessons, completing assignments that had a stupid deadline and studying harder than anyone had ever studied before, it all ended today

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Today was the day that everyone had been waiting for; all those days of lessons, completing assignments that had a stupid deadline and studying harder than anyone had ever studied before, it all ended today. The friends that they had worked hard to get to know, the ones that held all of their secrets, this was the last time that they would all be together in a High School environment. After this, who knew what the future held and no one even knew whether they would manage to be friends after this. Is the reason that you have friends in High School because you're in High School? What happens once you don't have that in common?

Liberty High always knew the best way to celebrate and this was no different; everything was set up so that the Seniors could have the best graduation that the school had ever seen. It was definitely different; no other class could say that they had been through what this class had been through and they were just glad to make it to the end of the year. They all knew on this special day that there were special people missing, some that deserved to be treasured like Hannah and Justin, and some that deserved to be remembered like Bryce and Montgomery.

Lily stood in front of her mirror, pulling her dark blue robes over the floral printed dress that she wore. This was the day that she had been waiting for ever since she had started at Liberty High, but when she had first walked through those doors, she had never imagined what her life would be like now. She had always known that her studies would come first, that she would graduate at the top of her class but she missed out on the Valedictorian award because of her attendance; she had taken a few days off when Bryce had died and that had stopped her from winning. But she didn't care, it just meant that she didn't have to prepare a boring speech and she could sit in the crowd of students with her friends when the ceremony took place. There were more important things to worry about, that was something that she had learned.

A knock on the door brought her out of her daydream and she turned to see her Mom in the doorway, tears already gathering in her eyes as she watched her only child wearing her graduation robes. She had never realised how emotional she would be when her children graduated, but things were different now and she was watching her only child move on; there would always be a small reminder that her son never got the chance to do this. He never lived his life to the maximum because he never finished High School; never had these important moments.

"I'm so proud of you." Nora whispered, her voice shaking as she reached out for her daughter, pulling her close.

"Thanks Mom."

They pulled away from each other, still standing close as Nora pulled out a tattered envelope from her pocket. Lily frowned, thinking that her Mother had bought her a graduation gift when she had specifically told her that she didn't need anything else but that wasn't what this was. Nora held up the envelope, looking away from her daughter as she gripped tightly onto the brown fabric; there was something important about this envelope.

"Is this an early graduation present? I told you not to get me anything."

Her Mom shook her head. "No, this isn't from me. It's from Bryce."

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