22: the missing page

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Baseball practise had finished as Lily watched the members of the team leave the locker room, but she had failed to see her boyfriend leave. Some of the boys gave her strange looks because Zach hadn't even turned up to practise that morning, obviously he hadn't told her and now she was looking for him. When she pushed open the door, she was worried that there would still be someone changing in there, or maybe a couple had gone in there for privacy, she was even worried that Coach would tell her off for being in there.

What she wasn't expecting was to hear muffled sobs coming from the back of the room. She had only ever been in the locker room a few times before, when she had come to wish the boys luck before their games but she had never known anyone to break down in there. At first, she thought that it was Zach, that the pressure of the trial had gotten to him and now he was releasing energy by crying by himself but when she saw the figure, lying on the floor she realised that he was too small to be her boyfriend.


The sniffling stopped when the boy realised that he wasn't alone in the locker room anymore. The soft voice belonged to a girl but he didn't know who; he was embarrassed at first because he thought that a random cheerleader had found him but when she kneeled beside him, he caught a glimpse of her face.

"Lily, what are you doing?" He croaked; his voice hoarse from crying.

"I could ask you the same question, what happened?"

Clay was curled into a foetal position on the floor of the locker room, crying as he held onto a black bag that had been put around his head. He had been minding his own business when he was attacked, probably by jocks as they kicked and punched him to get him to be quiet. They were defending Bryce and they didn't want him drawing unnecessary attention to the trial. They wore helmets so that no one could see their faces but Clay guessed who they were, they were the jocks and they were warning him.

Clay scoffed, leaning against the bench so that Lily could see the bruises and cuts that littered his skin. "As if you don't know. You probably helped organise it."

"Organise what?"

"I was attacked, they don't want me to dig anymore. Your brother probably organised it."

Lily narrowed her eyes at him. "So, because you think Bryce organised it, that means that I helped? I told you when I took those drugs from your bag, I'm not my brother."

He rolled his eyes. "Just because you've done one nice thing for me doesn't mean anything. You're still related to him; you're still defending him."

"I'm not defending him!"

"Seemed like it at the ribbon cutting ceremony. You sat with your parents, with him and didn't even leave when Zach did."

"You don't know what you're talking about." She said sternly, pointing her finger at him, because he didn't know everything.

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