36: the world closing in

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"Hey, do you have a minute?"

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"Hey, do you have a minute?"

Lily looked up from her textbook to see the familiar awkwardness of Clay Jensen stood next to her table. She had one free period that day and she had decided to spend it in the library, studying, so that she could focus on school for an hour instead of focusing on everything else that she was involved in. She sighed, knowing that their conversation wasn't going to go well because he was probably going to bring up her boyfriend and her brother at some point which she hated talking about.

"I'm trying to study." She replied, gesturing to her text book.

"We need to talk."

"About what? You haven't tried to talk to me at all, so why suddenly now?"

Clay decided that her reply meant that they were going to have their talk, so he slid into the empty seat opposite her. "Justin told me about your argument."

"He did? And did he also mention that he accused my boyfriend of being a murderer?"

"Please, keep your voice down." He hissed, eyes darting around the room to see if anyone had picked up on their conversation but everyone seemed to be doing their own thing; not hearing them through the loud music in their headphones.

"Don't tell me what to do." She snapped, glaring at him across the table.

"No one knows who killed Bryce, but we need to trust each other."

"I trust Zach. I don't trust Justin, not anymore."

"Just, stop being childish about this, okay? Your brother is dead-"

"I know, everyone keeps reminding me, but that's the one thing I know for certain." Lily interrupted, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned in her seat, trying to look intimidating to him. "What other obvious fact do you want to point out to me; Hitler was a bad man?"

"Lily, please-"

"Clay, I am sick of being treated like this. You either trust me or you don't. If you do then talk to me but if you don't then leave me alone, I don't want to be involved in this, if nobody trusts me."

She was sick of being left out of conversations, she knew that there was a group chat that she wasn't involved in and at first, she didn't care because nothing really happened over summer but now, she wanted to know what they messaged each other. She wanted to know how many messages were about her and if they were all bad or if some of them had actually been nice. She had tried so hard to get on their good side, to prove that she was nothing like her brother, but now it seemed like they didn't care and all they wanted was for her to suffer too.

"We do trust you. Which is why I need to talk to you."

She sighed, knowing that even if she said no, that Clay wasn't going to leave her alone. "What is it?"

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