15: two girls kissing

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The Dempsey household felt much safer and warmer than the Walker household

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The Dempsey household felt much safer and warmer than the Walker household. If she was at home right now then she would be lonely, even in a house full of people, she would have felt lonely because her parents didn't care and neither did her brother. But here, with three people that weren't even her family, she felt less lonely than she had ever felt before. Over the past few months, she had bonded with the family and now everything felt normal with them; even Zach had to admit that he had been worried about the change but was happy with how it had turned out.

They had a routine in place every day, which allowed Mrs Dempsey to work hard and not have to worry about her children because they were looking out for each other. Even when Zach had to go to training, Lily would stay behind and take care of May so that she wouldn't have to sit through a baseball practise by herself for an hour. Not only did she feel safer with this family but she felt welcomed into it, as if they were just as happy to have her there as she was to be there. It had started out as a favour to her but now they could see the benefits too.

"Barry emailed me last night." Mrs Dempsey said as she stood next to the kitchen counter, sipping her coffee. "He said it was Bryce's idea, that Bryce asked you yesterday."

"Asked me what?" Zach asked, from the other side of the counter.

Lily took a seat at the table next to May as they dug into their pancakes which were made every morning for their breakfast. This looked like an average day as the two girls sat at the table and Zach had a conversation with his Mom at the counter. Usually they would talk about the upcoming trial because he had been asked to testify and Lily would distract the youngest member of the family by talking about school.

"If we want to use their lawyer. He said that it was a thanks to us for taking care of Lilian while they were away. Speaking of, as much as I enjoy your company, have you thought about moving back home?"

Lily froze, she had been wondering if Mrs Dempsey was going to ask her about leaving sooner or later. As much as Zach and May enjoyed her company, she knew that she wasn't a permanent member of the house and that at some point she would be expected to leave. But with everything still up in the air about Bryce and what was happening with the trial, she didn't want to go home; she didn't feel safe around him and she had nowhere else to go. Her parents wouldn't believe her and they had no other family in the area apart from her deluded Grandfather; and there was no way she was going to live with him.

"This is her home." Zach said bluntly, not looking away from his Mom.

"I haven't talked to Bryce yet, but thank you for letting me stay. If there is a problem then I can find somewhere else to go, I'm sure Jessica wouldn't mind-"

"Don't go!" May interrupted, not really knowing what was going on but not wanting her new friend to leave when they were having such a good time.

"She's not going anywhere May, right Mom?" Zach narrowed his eyes at his mother, if there was one thing, he would argue against then it was anything concerning the safety of his girlfriend. No one else knew about the tapes, but he would not let her move back in with her family, while her brother was around. He was dangerous and he wanted to keep Lily safe.

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