13: tape 7, side a

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She kept running

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She kept running. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest as she ran, hair blowing in the wind and her face bright red but all she could think about was her brother. Bryce had lied to her, he had lied to everyone and he had just admitted what he had done to Hannah, what he had done to Jessica and what he had probably done to several girls at the school. It felt like she had been running for hours as her thoughts swirled around her mind but she couldn't stop thinking about Bryce, how she couldn't trust him after this.

It was like her legs were running on auto-pilot as she ended up in front of a familiar house; one that she had only just said goodbye to. She didn't know what their reaction would be when she arrived, she didn't know if they'd even let her in after she had spent so much time there recently but she knew that she had nowhere else to go. If they didn't let her in then she would have nowhere to go, she didn't exactly have that many friends that would be willing to let her stay the night, possibly longer. This was her only option.

Her knuckles got redder as she repeatedly hit the door, hoping that someone would answer quickly before she started freaking out. It wasn't too late and there were lights on inside so someone was awake but they were probably hesitant about opening the door to some random crazy person. The adrenaline from running was wearing off as Lily realised that she was only wearing shorts and a vest top, not suitable for the cold weather outside.

"Lily?" Zach asked, confused as he opened the door to see her in front of him.

She couldn't speak as the tears welled up in her eyes, her words caught in her throat as her emotions were finally getting the best of her. Her hands shook as he stepped forward, reaching out for her because he could tell that she was freezing. His warm arms wrapped around the shivering girl as he rubbed patterns into her back to try and get her to calm down. Zach gently pulled her into the house so that he could close the door and keep her warm.

Lily pulled back slightly, looking up into his eyes. "He lied, Bryce, he lied."

It was as if Zach knew exactly what she was talking about because he pulled her back into his chest, holding her tightly because he was afraid to let her go. He shouldn't have let her go back home, he knew what Bryce had done and yet, he let her go back to him. He should have forced her to stay, to stay with him where it was safe because now, she was more hurt than she was before. Before this, she was fragile but now she was broken; Bryce Walker had broken her.

"Zach, is everything alright?" Mrs Dempsey asked, stepping out from the kitchen and seeing her son cradling a very upset Lily in the entrance hall.

"Is it okay if Lily stays tonight? Bryce messed up again."

Lily pulled away from him, wiping her eyes and feeling guilty about turning up at their house again. "I'm really sorry Mrs Dempsey-"

"Don't be sorry, Lilian, you're more than welcome to stay here as long as you like. It'll be nice to have another woman in the house and May seems to really enjoy your company."

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