About me

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I, King Agnarr, was born to Queen Rita and King Runeard who ruled over the kingdom of Arendelle. My sister Arianna was about 4 years of age when I was brought into this world. We lived in the castle within Arendelle and life was perfect. My childhood up till the age of eight was fantastic. My father and I would go hunt in the woods and my mother would read fantastical stories about the vikings who landed in Arendelle hundreds of years before us. My sister was not overly thrilled when she found out that I was a boy but we grew close as the years went on. But my life turned upside down one day when I was 8 years old. My mother had grown sick and my father kept bringing doctor after doctor in to see her but she never go better. A month before my 9th birthday, she passed away in her sleep after battling pneumonia. My whole world shattered, everything I had ever grown to think was normal was now gone. Both my sister and father became withdrawn from me due to their grief, which made me feel very alone during a time of such sadness. My father became much more stern after that, I suppose that is because he was trying to fill both the mother and father role.

Life went on after that, my sister got married at age 18 to King Fredric of Corona. It was a beautiful wedding from what I can remember. Sadly my memory is not what it was. Not long after the wedding, my father made a peace treaty with the Northauldra people who lived in the Enchanted Forest. As a sign of gratitude, he built them a mighty damn to strengthen their waters. We went out to celebrate with the Northauldra people about a week or so after the damn was finished. It was a beautiful place protected by four spirits. All of which lived in harmony with the Northauldra. We were charmed and let down our guard. I found myself watching the Northauldra ride and do tricks with their reindeers when the wind spirit whipped past me. There was a girl, she was about my age and she was playing with this spirit. Being nosey, I went over and watched her with the spirit for a bit. Unfortunately for me, the wind spirit which the Northauldra referred to as Vindånd noticed me spying and pushed me out from behind the tree I was standing behind. The girl, stood there with her arms crossed and eyebrow lifted. She asked me why I was watching her and I stated that I had never seen the wind spirit before. Well she didnt believe me and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground. Vindånd was incredibly protective over her and was making sure I kept my distance. That was until she calmed it down after a minute or two and helped me up. She said she wanted to play hide and go seek, so we did. I found a few great hiding spots but she cheated and used Vindånd to find me everytime. I think I only actually found her once. The last time, I had, had it with hide and seek. It was time to wrestle now, but she was slick. She knew my every move and of course the wind spirit was on her side. At some point, I got knocked down to the ground and I grabbed her foot. She just shook it off like it was nothing and then sent me up in the air! Struggling was no use and the spirit even spun me around so she could touch my nose. She rubbed in her knowledge of the forest. But I actually liked her confidence and how smart she was, also she was absolutely beautiful. At least I thought so anyhow. I had never seen someone with that much hair! But our happy afternoon ended when screaming rang out amongst the Northauldra and the Arendellian guards. She was gone in a flurry of wind and my guard Mattias told me to stay behind him. I watched as my father, King Runeard was thrown from cliff to his death. There was so much of it. Blood, death, screams of pain. I covered my ears and looked around for the girl I had spent the afternoon with but the next thing I remember was hearing a soft singing tone and then I was put in a wagon which escaped the forest before the mist set in. I was brought back to the castle and that night, I became King of Arendelle. Well sort of.

I was much too young to run a kingdom on my own so my uncle Prince Haakon came to stay with me until I was old enough to rule the kingdom. That was when my life went from bad to the most horrible nightmare that anyone could anyone experience. Throughout my teenage years, my uncle abused me physically and mentally. He wanted me to be as manly as possible so women were not allowed to be talked or read about. The only person in the castle that was my age was Iduna, a servant girl at the time. Kai, my butler had taken her in and raised her as his own daughter after finding her out in the street alone. I was not supposed to talk to her but I did anyways. My uncle enlisted me in the navy at age 16 to get experience in battle. I enjoyed it, mainly because it got me away from my uncle. But when I returned to the castle after a year and a half in the navy, the abuse worsened. It got to the point where I could barely walk. My uncle wanted the throne and was trying to do everything he could to make sure that I was unfit for it. But unfortunately for him, I had Iduna caring for me whilst recovering from his beatings. She was wonderous with healing herbs and helped me get back to my feet much faster than any doctor would. One the eve of my 19th birthday, I proposed to Iduna and asked her to be my queen. She said yes which led to the downfall of my uncle because once we were married, we became the king and queen of Arendelle. My first royal decree was that my uncle was to be hung for attempted murder and treason. But my uncle escaped after paying off the guards. He ran off to the Southern Isles where they protected him and prevented any sort capture. He still remains there to this very day. But needless to say, our wedding was lovely and we spent our honeymoon in France. That trip was the first time Iduna had been on a boat, she didn't like it very much but she got used to it as time went on. We had a wonderful trip and when we returned, we became King and Queen of Arendelle.

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