A Challenge

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As a King, I enjoy a good challenge. Something to keep my mind stimulated, to keep me on my toes as it were. What I didn't expect was for my daughters to be that challenge. While Elsa was a unique challenge in herself, Anna was actually more difficult to handle. Not in a bad way, but she takes after me with her stubbornness. Though she takes after her mother in her ability to get herself into trouble. Don't tell her I said that, otherwise I'll be sleeping on the couch for a month. Her curiousity is usually what led her into trouble, I suppose I can't fault a curious mind but she certainly took it to a new level. Because Anna had full access to the castle, keeping track of her was rather difficult. After she finished with her classes and tutoring, she would be off looking for an adventure. I remember the time when she was around seven years old and tried to put on my great grandfather's suit of armor.

She got the armor on okay, well the parts of it that fit anyways but I remember walking by to see her trying to pull the sword out of the wall. I guess she didn't think it was sharp enough to pierce the wood on the other side. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be angry. I had told her in the past not to touch the armor, but she was a child afterall. Her mother was much less amused and had me put my grandfathers sword in the secret room. But there was one question she often asked me and I would always have to lie as a response. Anna often asked me about the white streak in her hair and why it was there. Of course I knew why it was there, but I couldn't tell her. The last thing I wanted to do was tell Anna about the time Elsa hit her in the head with ice.

So I would usually shrugged off the question and just say it was something that ran in the family. That would satisfy her curiosity for a little bit but then she would come back and ask why none of the paintings of my ancestors had it in them. At that point, I would try and come up with an excuse but it was never a good one. I hated lying to her all the time. It hurt my heart to do so. When Anna eventually found out about Elsa, I was able to finally tell her the truth. She was quite angry with me at first for lying to her for all of those years, but after awhile I think she understood why I had to do so. Needless to say, she can still be quite the challenge. Especially if I need her to wake up early, but that in itself needs its own story. Although they both can be extreme challenges at times, I wouldn't trade my daughters for anything.

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