Anna's Birth

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After Elsa was born, Iduna and I never expected another child. Especially with the struggle we had the first time, along with my family history. The crystal that the trolls had given me no longer glowed in the dark so I figured that one child was all we were going to have. While I was accepting with the idea of only having one child, it certainly did not make me happy. The last thing I wanted was for our new baby to be lonely as an only child. But having another child was not what Iduna and I were thinking about. While we were blessed to have a child with magical powers, we were both gravely concerned about her safety. Well, I was more concerned than Iduna was but for a very specific reason. My sister, Arianna gave birth to a daughter with magical powers and was kidnapped when she was only a year old. I was not going to let that happen. I became paranoid as time went on. I would sleep by Elsa's window every night and try to keep her in my line of sight at all times. Looking back, I feel awful because Iduna not only had to deal with a new child but also a extremely paranoid father who wouldn't take no for an answer. This went on for about a year and a half, I lived on very little sleep and only small meals. I looked terrible, sickly even. One day, I was having a meeting with some of my trade partners when I passed out and face planted into the wooden floor. I broke my nose which was quite painful but the doctor stated that I was running myself ragged and that my paranoia was not healthy. He put an order out for the guard to keep me in bed for a week. When a king is sickly or unable to make a decision that would benefit his health or well-being than a doctor's order overrides what the king says. So there I stayed, in the palace infirmary room. Iduna would come and visit me, sometimes she would bring Elsa but most times she came alone. It was nice to be with my wife, my paranoia had taken a toll on her as well and she wanted her Agnarr back. Now, my wife is one of the smartest people I know and she knew that the best way to get my mind off of Elsa was to try for another child. She said that she wanted Elsa to have a sister and I agreed. But, she made me promise that I would sleep in bed with her at night instead of with Elsa. She did not want me to revert to my paranoid habits, so she actually made me sign a document that stated that I would not sleep with Elsa at night anymore unless absolutely necessary. Elsa was almost two at that time and she could sleep alone fully without an issue. During the next year, Iduna made sure that I slept and ate on a consistent basis which brought me back to how my body was before the paranoia set in. We tried for a child for almost a year and a half. I was starting to feel hopeless, like I had the first time we tried for a child. One night, my crystal that Grand Pabbie gave me started glowing as the northern lights went across the sky. I quickly took it and tried once more, which was all it took. About two months later, the doctor told us that Iduna was pregnant. I was so excited. Another child would be such a blessing. Many people would ask me what sex I wanted the baby to be, I do not know why they were so curious. A girl or boy would bless our kingdom. 10 months later, Iduna went into labor on the the 21st of June. I still was not allowed in the room for her delivery but I was let in right after and to my surprise, there was Gerda hold a bright red headed little girl. Quite a difference to Elsa's blonde, almost white hair. Iduna was very tired, she stayed conscious this time which was a big relief for me. I put the baby in her arms and when she opened her eyes, she smiled and tilted her head. I guess she was a bit surprised by the color of the baby's hair as well. We had talked about names for awhile before the birth but couldn't settle on one in particular. When Iduna opened her eyes, she said that the baby looked like an Anna to her. So that was her name, the last thing I was going to do was argue with my exhausted wife over the name of our child. Besides, I loved the name. Iduna wanted to sleep so I took Anna into my arms and we took a nap in another bed next to Iduna's. Anna was a happy baby, smiley and full of giggles. I brought in Elsa a few hours after her birth and I could see the love grow in Elsa's eyes when she first saw Anna. Elsa was only three at the time but she wanted to help with anythint to do with Anna. She was our little helper, anything that had to do with Anna, Elsa wanted to help with. My paranoia soon went away after Anna was born, I couldn't be paranoid over the two of them. Iduna and I were a happy couple once again and the kingdom celebrated Anna's birth with hopeless abandon because they also wanted their king back and of course, a new princess was very exciting for everyone.

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