Christmas Traditions

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Christmas time brings back many memories for me and my family. Some are better than others, I will try to focus on the better ones in this entry. Every year, we would help the servants decorate the castle. We had a personal tree in our library which the family exclusively decorated with our personal ornaments. We would go into town and provide gifts and presents for those in need and for the elderly before going to a glass shop to pick out a new ornament for that year. Every single year, the girls would pick out a new ornament to decorate our new tree. Sometimes we would spend hours in the stores just looking for the right ornament for that year. Iduna and I always loved the ornament shopping part, it was so fun to see the girls faces light up and their smiles go from ear to ear once they found the right one. We would make a day out of it, just a special day for us to all spend together. Usually, we would go and get hot chocolate once we were all done shopping before heading home to the castle. Anna always fell asleep after the hot cocoa so I would carry her in my arms as Iduna held hands with Elsa before returning to the castle. Once home, we all took a much needed rest. The rest lasted about an hour so that we could all have a nice nap. After that, we would get up and place all of our new ornaments onto the Christmas tree.

It always seemed to sparkle more once we had finished. Then it was usually time for dinner and then getting the girls into their pajamas before reading them the first Christmas story of the year. Iduna always got to pick the first story, not sure why that is but it was and she usually picked the newesr story that had been published. My favorite story is The Nutcracker. It reminds me of Iduna and I for some reason. Anna loves the story called The Elves and the Shoe Maker. Its a magical story so I am not surprised. Elsa likes the story of the Fir-Tree. A little tree who can't wait to grow up. After a story, it is time for the girls to go to bed. Anna is usually asleep by this point anyhow. Then Iduna and I spend some time together admiring the tree. So there you have it, a few of our family traditions.

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