Elsa's Birth

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After Iduna and I were married, we often spoke about having a family. The subject alwaye made me feel a bit self conscious mainly due to the fact that my lineage has struggled to procreate. For example, my grandfather was an only child but so was my great grandfather and great great grandfather. My uncle was a complete shock to my grandparents who thought that they would only have one child. My life would have been a whole lot better if he had never been born, but that is besides the point. I was very lucky to have Iduna, she encouraged me every day until I felt like I was ready. So we started to try for a baby, we tried.. and tried.. and tried for months. Whenever it did not work, Iduna would sit on the edge of the bed and look down at the floor. I never knew what she was thinking about but it made me feel horrible because it was not her fault. Secretly, I went to several doctors to try to figure out why it was not working. They gave me every medication they had available but it was to no avail, we were losing hope in having a family. Iduna tried to console me, saying that it wasn't my fault but I knew it was and so did she. It got to the point where we stopped trying for a little while. She would try and convince me, but I just lost all confidence in myself. I began to wonder if the injuries that I had recieved from my uncle to the area that is most important in procreation was the cause. But there was no way to know for sure. So I went to the library to do some research on pregnancy,... among other things when I stumbled across a very old book. Flipping through it, I found a passage about the magical rock trolls that lived in the Arendellian mountains. Needless to say, I was feeling desperate at this point. It had been over a year and a half since we started trying with no result. I figured that it couldn't hurt to at least talk to the trolls, so I waited for Iduna to fall asleep before slipping out into the night. Luckily for me, the northern lights were very bright that night and allowed me to see the road quite well. I raced with my horse up the mountain till I got to the area where the book said they would be. When I first arrived, I saw nothing and my heart sank. Maybe it had all been just a story. I sat down on a rock and cried for a few minutes before the earth began shaking and the rock that I had been using as a seat started moving. Needless to say, I was a bit frightened by it all until they all revealed themselves. The leader, Pabbi stepped forward and asked why the king of Arendelle was there to see them? I do not know how they knew who I was, magic I suppose. I told him about my inability to produce children and that all I wanted for my wife and I was to have a family. Pabbi, who was the leader stepped closer to me and used the northern lights to reveal the future. He stated that a child was not in my future but, he could change that if I wanted him to. I told him that we would be honored if he could help us, or just me in particular. With that, he harnessed the power of the northern lights into a small crystal before giving it to me. He stated that the crystal needed to be worn at all times. I thanked him and all of the trolls before returning to the castle. That night, I wore the crystal around my neck and that was all it took. About a month later, a doctor came to check on Iduna and confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. Right after he said that, a massive ice storm came through Arendelle. It was unlike anything we had seen before. But it was beautiful, leaving stunning ice crystals everywhere. Unfortunately, Iduna struggled through the pregnancy. She would wake up constantly with chills and often felt sick. The doctors could not figure out why Iduna was so cold and sick all of the time. I did not know what to do other than to stay beside her and get her whatever she needed. It was a long 10 months, but on a cold december day. Iduna went into labor. I was kicked out of the delivery room by the nurses, I guess men were not supposed to be there with their wives. So I waited impatiently for about an hour and a half before I was given the okay to enter the room. Iduna was there, but she had passed out due to the strain on her body. The nurses handed the baby to me, their faces were pale almost as if they were afraid to let me see her. Taking the baby gently, I realized that the baby was very cold. I was worried that the baby didnt make it. But to my surprise, I looked down to see two big beautiful blue eyes looking up at me. I asked the nurse if the baby was a boy or girl, the nurse stated that she was a girl. Iduna and I had already decided on names for the baby depending on their gender. If it was a boy then it would have been Eirik or if it was a girl then it would be Elsa. So in my arms, I held little Elsa who was actually very quiet and just smiled at me. I asked the nurse about her body temperature and the nurse honestly didnt know why she was so cold but stated that Elsa was healthy otherwise. Iduna remained unconscious until the next day. The doctors and nurses never left her side. I was blessed with the opportunity to be with Elsa for the first day of her life. She slept for the majority of it but I still loved every minute of it. I never told Iduna that I went to the trolls or that they even exsisted, I was too self concious and embarrassed to do so. I got very concerned when I saw another ice storm occur on the day of Elsa's birth. Was it simply a coincidence? I figured that it was not and it didnt take long to realize that Elsa was a very special baby. When Iduna finally awoke, she said that the look on my face told her that something wasnt right. I handed Elsa to her and she quickly understood my concerns. But that was only the beginning...

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