The Strained Relationship between Arendelle, the S. Isles, and Kaskader Mt's

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Many wonder how the feud began between the kingdom of Arendelle, the Southern Isles, and Kaskader Mountains began. I shall do my best to explain. The first king of Arendelle, my ancestor King Arren had a brother named Severin. Severin hated Arren because he thought that he deserved the throne. Cannot say I understand why, he was the younger brother of Arren so he would not have claim to the throne unless Arren had died. Anyhow, Severin hated Arren so much that he plotted to kill him using poisoned fruit. My ancestor Arren was smart enough not to accept gifts from Severin and refused to eat it. Unfortunately, a servant decided to give the fruit a try and died almost instantly. For the murder attempt on Arren's life and the murder of the servant, Severin was banished to this small uncharted island out in the ocean. It is believed that his wife and her family joined him on the island and flourished. I'm not sure how, since there is little in the way of agriculture or forests. Severin's hate for Arren and his lineage followed down his own family line and even into the other towns people of what is now referred to as the Southern Isles. As a child, my father King Runeard would invite the royal family members from the Southern Isles to parties but it was only as a formality. We still hated one anothers guts. The Duke of Weselton was the absolute worst. He would constantly try to convince my mother to leave my father. Of course, she never listened to a word he said but he tried all the time. He would pick on me and my sister when we were children and he was in his 20's. Quite a pathetic and awful thing to do for someone of his age. But the relationship became the most strained when Iduna and I married. I purposely did not invite the family from the Southern Isles because they were only going to tarnish one of the happiest days of my life. But somehow, the Duke and a few family members were able to get into the after party. Now, one of the unfortunate things that I inherited from my father was his temper. Just keep that in mind as I continue on with the story. The Duke somehow made it into the wedding and whilst I was away talking with some of our trading partners. He began speaking with Iduna and asked her to dance with him. Apparently he tried to convince her to betray me and leave Arendelle. Unfortunately for the duke, I saw him dancing with Iduna. My anger went from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds, I marched over there, yanked Iduna by the arm away from him before taking him by both sides of his uniform. I lifted him straight off of the ground and demanded to know why he was there and how he got into the castle. The Duke only smirked and said that he had his own secrets and would not reveal any of them to me. Iduna quickly moved in go tell me to put the Duke down because it was causing a scene. I did so begrudgingly and had him escorted by the guards, I told him that if he returned that he would be put in the dungeon for trespassing. He merely smirked at me as he left the castle. It was only after this did I learn that my treacherous uncle, Prince Haakon was being protected by the Southern Isles and was living in the Kaskader Mountains. The royal family in the Kaskader Mountains had aligned themselves with the Southern Isles in order to become more powerful. I demanded several times for my uncle to be extradited back to Arendelle to be hanged for his crimes against myself and the royal staff. They refused every time and whenever I sent soldiers, they claimed that he had left. But I know he still lives there, terrorizing some of the poor citizens of that kingdom. I do not recall seeing any of the royal family from the Southern Isles or Kaskader Mountains after my wedding. But we all know that both of my daughters had to deal them, the Duke and Prince Hans showed their true colors for all the world to see.

(The Kaskader Mountains come from the comics. Just in case anyone is confused)

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