bad karma and felonies .

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SYNLEY DID NOT LIKE BEING UP ANY EARLIER THAN TEN O'CLOCK. JJ had showed up on her door step this morning saying something had happened at the docks, though, so she figured today could be the exception.

She needed coffee, but by the looks of the crowd and amount of cops and paramedics on the dock, she figured that wasn't happening any time soon.

The five of them were all huddled up sitting under one of the only spots of shade offered. Synley leaned her chin on the palm of her hand, yawning as she did so.

"Who is that?" John B asked.

"Scooter Grubs, he was out during the storm." Kie said sadly, and Synley couldn't help but feel for the woman that followed the body into the EMS truck, she was obviously his wife. Or rather widow.

"Check out this pic I got," Allison, some girl that had went to school with the lot, shoved her phone in John B's face, "Dead bodyyy!"

What an inconsiderate little- JJ's voice broke Syn out of her harsh thoughts. "What kind of boat did he have?"

"Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady White." the girl replied with a shrug.

"Could you be anymore disrespectful about a man that just lost his life?" Synley snapped, referring to her calling him a dirt bag.

Allison gave the tired blond a weird look before continuing on. "Everyone's out looking for it."

Despite how aggravated Synley was with the girl, the look the Pogues all shared meant they all were thinking the same thing.

Scooter Grubbs was the owner of the mysterious motel room.


"We didn't see anything! We don't know anything! We need to have total and complete amnesia." Leave it to Pope to go into full panic mode about anything and everything. This time, though, Synley couldn't blame him for being on edge.

They had been snooping around in business the police were now in on. Not to mention JJ stole a wad of cash and a handgun from an open crime scene.

The gang was huddled up in John B's screen-in porch, plotting their next actions after discovering Scooter Grubs was the owner of the sunken Grady White and the sketchy motel room.

"Actually, Pope's right for once." JJ perked up, standing up from his seated position, "See I agree with you sometimes."

"Deny, deny, deny." the blond boy pointed at each one of them, recalling his infamous 'words to live by'.

Kie spoke up from beside Synley and Pope, "Guys we can't keep that money." Kiara was the constant moral compass of the group.

"Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kie." JJ sighed.

"I agree with you, love, but what else are we supposed to do with it?" Synley sat up, starting her next sentence off with a sarcastic undertone, "Go up to the police station and say 'Oh hey. We found this at a crime scene and stole it. My bad!' No, We'll get thrown in jail."

"Exactly!" JJ pointed at Synley. "See, we gotta keep it now."

"I'm not saying we have to turn it into the police but we can pass it off to Lana Grubs, otherwise it's bad karma." Kie rebutted.

"Bad karma to be implicated to a felony too. We gotta go dark." Pope added. Synley sat back and bit her lip, she couldn't argue with bad karma.

"If that means that we get to keep the money, than I agree." JJ added.

"Of course you do." Syn rolled her eyes. JJ ignored her comment.

John B, who had been quietly thinking this whole time, finally spoke up, "I don't agree." He made his way to the center of the porch to address all four of his friends.

"What? Why?" JJ looked at his best friend with confusion. Syn was just as lost as JJ. The two boys were usually on the same page about things like this. Especially if money was involved.

"Just think about it. This is Scooter Grubs we're talking about, right? Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole." He had a point, "Shit one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas!"

"We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat whose never had more than forty bucks in his pocket and all the sudden he's got a Grady White?!" John B threw his hands up.

Synley shifted her eyes down, knowing it was pretty sketchy that someone like Scooter Grubs owned kook worthy valuables. He lived on the cut just like the rest of them, what was he doing with thousands of dollars and a top-dollar boat?

"Just sayin'."

John B spent the next hour trying to convince the group that Scooter Grubbs was apart of some underground smuggler operation. Then continued to try and convince the group to go see exactly what they were smuggling. Of course, Pope wasn't having it.

The five of them had all moved to the comfort of John B's bedroom, all sprawled out in different places while they talked.

"Say they were smuggling. The contraband probably belongs to someone else." Synley laid beside Pope, listening intently to him. "They could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid."

"Pope, darling, you think anything remotely risky is catastrophically stupid." Syn smiled sarcastically up at him.

"Because it usually is?" He wasn't amused.

JJ leaned forward and grabbed the wad of money out of Popes hand, showcasing it as he spoke, "Right, well, stupid things have good outcomes all the time." Pope squinted his eyes at the boy.

"All we need to do right now is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then we lay low. Just act normal."

"J, do you know how to act normal?" Synley sat up, peering at the boy. He replied with a very prominent middle finger. The girl winked at him.

"How exactly do we do that?" Pope asked.

"Kegger?" Kie looked around at the rest of the teens. Synley smirked, "Kegger."

very short chapter but i'm writing another one right now i just didn't want to continue to do weird scene changes!

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- gray xx

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