i'm waiting for death .

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JJ MAYBANKS HAS ALWAYS BEEN... well, a drama queen to say the very least. In fifth grade, Synley specifically remembers a time the two of them were on the way to John B's house for his dad's famous taco Tuesdays, and to get there, the two of them had to pass by a former neighbor of Synley's. The lady was sweet enough. Old Mrs.Tulip. Never really came out to bother anyone. But that tiny dog of hers had a lot of bark in him, but as Synley recalls, no bite. The chihuahua only aggressively chased them down the block. But it never did any harm. Synley, even at her young and fearful age, thought it was hilarious.

JJ, however, had a great story to tell over dinner. All about how this demon dog chased them for miles, how the two of them were inches away from becoming dinner. They were lucky to be alive. JJ had a pure heart, but boy did he know how to string up a few white lies.

That's why she was sitting here now, roughly five years after the 'demon dog' incident, trying her hardest not to bust out laughing as JJ explained the 'life-threatening mission' her two best friends just came back from.

"All we hear is just BAM BAM BAM!" The boy punched the air, making sure to put emphasis on the terrifying things they stumbled across at the Grubbs residence. "Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside!"

Synley couldn't help herself. She turned to look at a quiet John B, who stood pondering amongst the railing of his worn-down porch. "How much of this is true?" The freckled boy looked up in response to the question, a tiny smirk lifting on his lips. That answer was loud and clear. Syn covered her mouth, in hopes to stop the humorous laughter that dared to escape her lips.

"What, princess? Don't believe me?" JJ challenged his other half. Synley cocked a single eyebrow. "Look at this shit!" J stepped forward, bending over to run his fingers through his locks of gold, white pieces flying around as he did so.

"Gross, J!" Synley squirmed in her seat.

"That's dandruff. Disgusting." Kie deadpanned.

"Look at all that, alright?" he paused, "That's paint. At that point, I was just like...I'm waiting for death." The boy looked up at the sky longingly. Synley didn't want to be an asshole, really, but she couldn't help herself. She busted out in laughter. JJ stared down at her, bewildered by her reaction. "I'm sorry I just- I can't" she clutched her stomach, her abdomen in pain from how much she found JJ absolutely hilarious. She didn't think she'd be able to regain herself.

Until a painful thump in the middle of her forehead brought her back to reality. JJ didn't say anything, just simply flipped her off. She returned the favor.

"Okay, okay." Pope interrupted the two's childish antics, "So you saw the two guys that shot at us. Did you get a good description of them? What did they look like?"

"Yeah, anything. Anything is helpful." Kie added in. "Anything we can bring to like a police report maybe?"

JJ looked out, trying to remember anything distinct about the two sketchy men. He pointed at Pope, giving him the only thing he could come up with, "Burly."

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