there's no i in justice league .

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THIRTY MINUTES. There were thirty minutes until the best summer in the history of summers began. Synley had been waiting on June since the year started at Kildare High School. She never liked sitting still for hours on end, listening to some sad sap lecture about things she had no interest in. She made good grades, sure, but Synley Brookes would never say school was her thing.

She never understood half days either. What was the point of coming to school the last few days, if you were only required to come for four hours? It's not like there would be any teaching going on.

Synley absentmindedly traced her fingers along the many pencil markings that littered her desk, her mind in a place other than history class. She couldn't wait to see her friends, and as the clock ticked closer to twelve, she already had her books packed, and her hand on the straps.

When the bell finally rung, she didn't wait around to celebrate with the other kids in her grade. She had already made a quick bee line to her locker before anyone else had even gotten out of their seats. Sadly, the halls were already packed full.

Synley bit her lower lip in concentration, and gripped onto her book bag straps as she maneuvered her way through the crowds of overly excited students. It took longer than it should've to reach her locker. Her frustration for people had grown a significant amount in the fifteen seconds it took to get to her destination. Synley didn't know it was possible to hate kids her own age more than she already did.

She huffed out as she grabbed her things from the metal compartment. Stuffing her books into her bag before grabbing her skateboard. A pair of hands had lightly tugged at her, and in thinking it was some idiot who wasn't watching where they were going, Synley reared back. A sneer was daring to creep out, but it was quickly replaced with a small smile. The person attached to the mystery hands was no other than Wesley Doberman.

"Hey, baby." he smirked, humor playing on his lips. Wesley was her boyfriend of three months. It was all still new to Synley. Relationships were never her thing.

"I almost snapped your head off, you know." Synley rolled her eyes playfully before shutting her, now, empty locker. "A bit tense, are we?" Wes laughed, slinging his arm around the blond's shoulders.

Thankfully, most of the students had dispersed by the time Wes started walking the girl out. "You know how much I hate big crowds", Synley replied to his earlier remark.

The two made small talk, but they were quickly interrupted when they had made it outside. A circle had been formed, and by the sounds of wild encouragement from the student body, it would be rightfully assumed that there was a fight.

Synley, confused as to what was going on, stood on the tips of her toes, trying to get a better look at who was fighting. A flash of blond hair, and the apparent taunting voice yelling, "Is that all you got?" told Synley she knew exactly who it was. The teen stuffed her skateboard into Wesley's hands and ran towards the pit despite her boyfriend's disapproval.

"Move." she huffed her way through the sea of riled up students until she found her way to the front.

She knew it.


Before she could even get the words out, a whistle had blown. One of the teachers had heard the fight. The crowd had dispersed in the matter of seconds. Synley rushed to her friend, and immediately started checking his face for bruises and cuts. He pulled away from her, "I'm fine, chill."

Synley glared at him before moving back, and John B Rutledge stepped to her side, examining the idiot before them.

"You idiot, what the hell!" Synley moved her hand to pop him in the back of his head. And Jj hissed, swatting her away.

"What was that for?" he squealed, looking at his friend like she was crazy. Perhaps she was.

"There's no I in Justice League, you dumbass. You got a problem, we all handle it." Synley crossed her arms over her chest. "Uh-Synley. There is an I in-" the blond girl shot John B a glare, as if saying 'I dare you to finish that sentence' and the freckled boy quickly sealed his lips.

"You're crazy woman. He stole twenty bucks from me the other day. That fight was all me, bro." Jj furrowed his brows, lightly rubbing his head.

"Whatever, just stay out of trouble. I'll meet you two at the docks later?" Synley looked between the two boys, and John B nodded, smiling slightly.

"What was that about?" Wes mused, a scowl on his face, when Synley made her way back.

"Just JJ being JJ, like always." she huffed, shaking her head. Wes nodded simply before handing the girl her board back.

"You sure you don't want a ride home? You know I don't mind." Wesley Doberman was one of the more fortunate on The Cut. The Cut being the home to all poor and unstable in the Outerbanks.

Wes' family had money, just not enough to live with the rich folks over on the North Side.

"No, I'm good, it's a pretty day. Plus i'm not going home." Synley gave him a chaste kiss before slinging her board on the ground and taking off.

Synley smiled to herself as the sun kissed at her cheeks. The plan this summer was to have a good time all the time. And nothing was going to get in the way of that.

diving in! didn't wanna start on the first episode, so I hope you're okay with that! chapters will also be longer once we indulge into the actual story line.

stay beautiful

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