i like you too sometimes .

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     "GUYS, THEY'RE FOLLOWING US!" The Pogues didn't know who was following them or even why, but none of them wanted to stick around to find out

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"GUYS, THEY'RE FOLLOWING US!" The Pogues didn't know who was following them or even why, but none of them wanted to stick around to find out.

"Dude you have to go faster!"

"I'm going!" John B yelled back. Everyone was screaming at each other. They were all scared. Whatever this little chase was, it wasn't good.

Synley pulled at her hair, darting her eyes back and forth from the other boat and to John B, who was driving. One of the men started to hold something up, and Syn squinted her eyes a bit to get a better look.

Her heart dropped. "Down! He's got a gun!" she screamed, grabbing both Pope and JJ by the arm and yanking them until they were squatted next to her.

Shots rung through the air, bullets whizzing past them with every turn John B made through the marsh.

Fear racked through Synley's body. JJ had pulled her to the other side of him so he could shield her body. Pope laid as low as he could, Kie next to him. John B, still driving, sat in the drivers seat, hunched over in means to not get hit.

"Pope. Move." Kie stood up. Confused, and partially scared for his life, Pope hesitantly slid over. Synley peeked over J's shoulders, "Kie be careful!"

Kiara didn't respond, and instead grabbed the net at the front of the HMS Pogue, "Get down Kie!" John B screamed. She didn't listen.

Instead, she carefully made her way to the end of the boat, and Synley prayed a bullet wouldn't decide to touch her on the way. Kie held the blue net out and threw it into the water. She could only hope her plan would work.

It did.

The netting made its way tangled around the boat's motor, stopping the mysterious men from their high speed chase down the marsh.

The man with long hair continued to try and shoot at the teens, but lost sight of them quickly.

Slowly, Synley and the rest of the crew stood up, laughing in relief. "Oh my god!"

"Kie that was brilliant!" Syn grabbed the darker skinned girls cheeks, pulling her in to kiss her forehead.

"That was insane!" Kie laughed. Synley had a feeling that was the first of many near death experiences they would come across this summer.

It wasn't long till they had docked the boat, and were safely back on land. Any sane person would call the police, or at the very least go home and call it a day after a shoot out like that, but of course, none of them were sane.

They had a mission. And that mission would mean nothing until they opened up the black bag John B pulled up from the wreck.

"What do you thinks in there?" Kie smiled as John B worked to find the zipper.

"It has to be valuable if those guys were willing to kill for it."

"It's gotta be money or something right?" John B looked up.

"That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to-mid mils'!" JJ grinned.

"Can we please just open the bag?!" Pope snapped. Everyone went silent, and stared at Pope.

"Damn, you got somewhere to be or something?" Syn placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head at the boy.

"Wow, Pope. That's a rare burst of emotion." John B whistled.

"Okay you guys are literally killing me with anticipation-just open the bag." Pope threw his hands out. Syn rolled her eyes but couldn't help but to smile.

"Alright jeez!" JJ laughed, and John B finally found the zipper. He dug around the bag, and ended up pulling out a silver capsul.

"We almost died over this." Pope felt the need to add.

John B opened the canister up, and pulled out it's only item.

A compass.

"Is that a fucking compass?" Synley's jaw dropped. They almost died over a compass, "Are you serious?"

Pope also had quite a few sarcastic comments about their find. John B just stared down at it in his hand.

"Dude, what? It's not worth anything." JJ pulled his hat off, shrugging in disappointment.

A very small smile of disbelief tugged at John B's lips, "This was my fathers."


There wasn't much Synley could do with a compass. It was great for JB, it added on to his hopeful fantasy that his dad was still out there somewhere. Everyone shortly left the Nest, going off to do their own thing. They were all pretty disappointed with how the day turned out.

Synley felt the need to stay, and make sure John B was okay. She didn't have much else to do anyways.

"John B if you move you're foot closer to my head one more time I will throw you off this hammock." she playful shoved his leg away from her face, and JB laughed. "Sorry, sorry."

The stars and the moon had come quick, and the two were doing nothing but staring at the night sky and enjoying each others company.

"Syn, what the hell are you doing here? Isn't JJ at your sisters right now?" John B didn't like to talk about his dad much, and he knew that was why Synley was here.

"What? I can't hang out with you? JJ isn't my only friend. I like you too sometimes. Plus he's probably massaging Selena's very swollen feet right now or doing the dishes. I don't want to be apart of that." she nudged her knee in his side and he coughed out a laugh.

"You can hang out with me whenever you want. But I know you're here because of the whole compass thing." Syn didn't have a response to that.

"I'm fine. Truly." he added after her silence.

Syn leaned up on her elbows, careful not to tip the two off of the very unstable hammock. "I know you're fine. Honestly I'm just making sure you don't run off on The Pogue to go on some crazy hunt for your dad."

"Well..." he dragged out and Synley glared at him. He laughed lightly. "I'm not going to go on a crazy hunt tonight, Syn."

"Good. I should probably get home and make sure J hasn't set the house on fire. Or worse, piss off Selena." she moved to give John B a huge bear hug before taking off.

John B crossed his arms under his head, sighing out at the sky.

A hunt for dad...after his compass showed up like it did, it didn't sound like such a bad idea.


hi love bugs, i think i'm gonna try to do a double update tonight, just because i miss writing this book and there isn't much i could add into this chapter without making it messy, so give me about an hour and i might have chapter 12 up!

thx for always being patient,

gray xx

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