The Beginning part 2

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Y/n's Point of View
"WHAT THE FUCK RICHARD!" Not even 9 am and I gotta deal with this bullshit. Oh hey. It's me. Or you since you know what's up. 4th wall is broken but Author will fix it. No you will fix it. I am currently writing this at 1 am cause I am tired and I am alone. Oh ok goddamn.

The teacher had yelled out because one of my crackhead friends had decided it would be a good idea to watch hentai on his phone but forgot to plug his headphones. I put my hands over my forehead and put my head down since I didn't get my daily dose of caffeine and got a headache from the yelling. Maybe I need a break from coffee? Nah. I really want to go home and watch My Hero Academia tho. I've been distracted recently from the bull crap called life.

-Time flies cause I am too lazy to write a whole proper day-
School is finally over and better yet, it was a Friday. I step into my house and yell out "I'M HOME BIACHES!" Only to receive a yell from my sister, "SHUT THE HELL UP! IM DOING HOMEWORK!" "HOW 'BOUT YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU AIN'T GONNA PASS SHIT." It's silent... I think I was a bit too harsh but besides that point, I'm going to my room and watch some shows.

—Author's Point of View—

She really think she about to relax? Not on my watch.... This life boring YEET!

Y/n's vision goes blank as a white light explodes in her room and a piercing sound bursts through her ears. She's unconscious for now as she sees every moment in her life starting from the beginning to the current goes in her head. Her eyes open not to see her room but one with white surrounding her along with *favorite color* swirling in it. In front of her was a woman who looked like her mother but the aura was much more intimidating.

Y/n, you have been chosen for an opportunity no one else would have been. You will be given a chance for an adventure in a world where powers exists with society. The young girl is understandably confused. "What? Who are you and what do you mean by that? You mean like Boku no Hero?" Yes, you will be reborn with all your memories in the other world. But who I am does not matter nor will it. You will have the power of Pink Diamond and summon crystal at will. Think of it the way Shouto Todoroki summons ice. Your adventure begins now. Before the girl could have a chance to respond she is unconscious once again and unprepared for what would happen to her.

After what felt like an eternity, Y/n woke up and felt like a ton of pressure was taken off of her. She could faintly hear the sounds of voices around her. It took a while before she hear a clear sentence, "She's so beautiful. Look at her, honey!" Ooh girl, it better not be me she talkin' about cause she might need some glasses. I look like a potato. Wait where am I? You struggle to open your eyes and see what looked like doctors in scrubs. You could feel them rubbing the towels on you and looked at the gunk on your body. Then you were handed to a person and see that it looked like your mother. But something was off. You know that you are not supposed to be a baby but you notice how small you were and everything was so animated.

The woman's words come back to you and the realization hits. Oh my god.. am I in Boku no Hero? This can't be real! But you can feel yourself being held and touched, this was real. "Her eyes, she's opening them. Welcome to the world, Y/n!" Your mom had smiled as she held you close to her breasts. Oh sweet lord. What about my other life though? My original mom, sister, dad. What the fuck? Eve... Oh no. I won't see them again. But isn't this what I wanted? You wanted to talk but it came out in gurgles and your parents squealed at the adorable sounds. You close your eyes and accept that you are restarting a new life in the world of My Hero Academia.
748 Words

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