What's 6 x 3?

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A/n: I apologize for how long I'm taking so I'll put post this little thing and hope for the best.
Obvious part, video above does not belong to me.

Eve sits alone in her room trying to complete her homework as she's tired as fuck from life and school at 2 am. (Same.) She's currently working on her math homework and let out a huge sigh from all this stress. However fate was not exactly on her side when someone very unexpected made an appearance.........


"What's the problem?"

Not knowing if this was an hallucination and no longer actually caring, she said "Math problems." He smiled but something strange laid behind them, almost looked menacing to Eve. "Oh I can help you, let me see. (takes paper) All right um... Here's an easy one, what's 6 times 3?" She was silent for a while before he asked again, "6 times 3." She mumbled an "I don't know."

Izuku: 6 times 3!
Eve: I don't know.
Izuku: 6 times 3!
Eve: I don't-
Izuku: 6 TIMES 3
Eve: I legit don't know!

This was a strange hallucination. Just why was she seeing an anime character yelling at her over her math homework? What the fuck?

Izuku: 6 THREES

This situation was stressing her the hell out. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? IS THIS BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF SLEEP? SHE CHOSE TO STAY UP LOOKING AT SHREK MEMES AND THIS WAS HER PUNISHMENT? A sudden pocket knife came out, Izuku holding it at her. Woah there buckaroo!

Eve: I don't know! What is it!?
Izuku: What is it!- (pause) Get Iida.
Eve: What?-
Izuku: IIDA!

Then Iida came into the room and nearly put the girl into cardiac arrest with how quickly he stepped in and asked while glaring at her? Why is he looking at me like that?

Iida: What's the problem?
Izuku: Homework. (hands paper to him)
Iida: (takes glance at page) What's 6 times 3?

She was about to crap herself from all this.

Eve: I don't know.
Iida: 6 times 3!
Eve: I don't know!
Iida: What's 6+6?
Eve: (Thinking: oh easy!) Oh, 12.
Iida: NOW ADD 6!
Eve: I don't know what is it!?
Iida: What is it!?- (pause) Get Y/n.


Iida: Y/N!

The door burst opens as her best friend, Y/n, appeared behind it with her foot still raised after kicking it.

Y/n: BOOM! What?

Iida hands the paper to Y/n, one quick look and she returns to the yelling.

Y/n: I taught you this! WHAT'S 6 TIMES 3?

Cue the mini heart attack that Eve is currently suffering from as all of these people, including her friend who's supposed to be in another world. (Which she may or may not have something to do with but let's not talk about that right now)


Y/n: Look, if Ochako has 6 times 3 amounts of dish soap, how much dish soap would she have?

Eve: (near tears) How much!?


She stops her words as she takes a look at Ochako who is sitting on a newly set up table with a shit load of dish soap all over it. (WHERE DID SHE COME FROM!?) Ochako just stares back at Y/n while she slowly washes her hands with one of the bottles. Y/n has her arms crossed in a thinking pose then points her finger to count, "1, 2, 3, 4-"

Eve finally faints from all this with a quick thud but wakes up in her bed. Nothing was out of place, there was no one in there with her. Another important detail, it was the weekend! There is no homework! What the fuck was that!? She rubs the temples of her head as it starts to slightly hurt. So it was a dream then? What kind of dream gives you a headache? She remained sat up on her bed until her eyes become heavy and had no other choice but to retreat to sleep. This time, she was left undisturbed by any strange dream. I hated that. Please no more, it was a mistake. I'm so sorry, Y/n. But I can't take it back now.

Have a good day or night, my dear Reader!

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