Happy Birthday Izuku! 💚

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Alright y'all, so I found out that it was Midoriya's Birthday today so I'm gonna make a chapter for him!
Y/n's Point of View

Alright, so today is Izuku's birthday so I'm gonna surprise him. I called Eve so she can get me a poster of him. Though she'll have to get a certain one to not make it look so creepy. But besides that, I'm gonna make him a cake and card!

I bought a blank card and decorated it with green and used my Quirk to make some emeralds that match his hair and eyes. I wrote him a little message and it was off to the bakery I went! Eve is gonna help me today with the other things as well.

Time skip

I'm at the spot where the portal was when Eve popped out with the poster I asked from her. "Hey Bitch. I got you what you needed. Let's get this bread." Hell yeah, she's awesome! "Thanks Hoe, come on so we can buy the ingredients!" Off to the grocery store we went! We got the flour, sugar, eggs, milk and just about everything. Candles too. We headed to my house so we can get started on the cake and hopefully not burn down my house. Lord have mercy on our souls if I burn down the kitchen. We got the bowls and preheated the oven. This should be easy, right?

Time Skip

Ok, so the Lord didn't have as much mercy as I thought he would. The kitchen was filled with smoke but the cake turned out ok. We decorated it with fancy frosting saying "Happy Birthday Izuku!" along with a little frosting of an All Might. It was cute and we did our best. The kitchen was filthy as fuck with all the flour and eggs spilled everywhere. So Eve and I had to clean up before we got the presents ready. I decided to add a little something to our list of presents. Some All Might merch That didn't exists in this world and a piece of emerald that was shaped like a heart. It was perfect and he'll love it!

"Y/n, everything's ready. Kitchens clean, poster, cake, All Might merch, poster that he'll probably want an explanation for and the card. I can't come with since he doesn't know me but text me everything!" That was the last thing Eve said before she left. Well shit, how am I gonna get help on this? Where are my parents, shouldn't they be home? Ugh, whatever. I just grab a box and carry everything, gonna have to be careful with the cake though.

All right, I got it all. Poster, All Might merch and the jewel in a box on one hand and the cake on the other. His place isn't too far from mine so I can be quick about this. I haven't seen Inko in a while, I should visit more. She's such a sweetheart. Oh, I'm here already. Alright, it's a go! I got up early to prepare everything. Good thing it's a weekend so I didn't have to go to school!

I find his apartment and ring on the bell, Inko is the one who opens the door. "Y/n?! I wasn't expecting you."
"Hi Mrs. Midoriya. I came for Izuku's birthday, I brought some gifts for him." She looks so shocked when I said that and saw all the stuff I gotten. "Oh Y/n, that's so nice of you! You can call me Inko, you know. Come in, Izuku is gonna be excited to see you, he's been talking non-stop about you lately!"

I'm inside and Inko helps with everything and helps me with all the stuff. She's set up the table excitingly and she calls Izuku when we're done. "Izuku, honey! Your friend came over today. Y/n is here, she came with gifts for you!"

Izuku burst out the door to see me and his mom at the table.

Author's Point of View

Izuku was excited to hear that Y/n was here to see him. She's really here! That means she loves me, right? She really cares for me to celebrate my birthday! That's been the highlight of his day! His childhood crush came to see him! He makes it to the kitchen table where Y/n came up and hugged him, "Happy Birthday Izuku! Come on!" She's so close to me! Some heat came about his body, he couldn't help it. He gets dragged to the table by Y/n so he could see everything on it. The cake day wished him a happy birthday with a little All Might on it. H-how cute! She made this for me! He gets sat down where Y/n gave him a poster and card. Is that me on there!? How?

"I had a friend of mine get a poster," friend? "And I got a card for you." He opens the card and reads the sentence.

To: Izuku

Happy Birthday, Izuku. You are the greatest person I know. I've always believed in you no matter what! Today is special and I wanted to celebrate it with you. You're the Number 1 Hero to me.

This got his face to go even redder. His mom smiled at this, "Y/n, what a lovely note you wrote. You've always been around for Izuku. I really appreciated it!" Y/n couldn't contain all her smiles, "Come on, there's more!" She passed along the All Might merch to him and he kinda freaked out. "Where did you get this!? I've never seen this before. I didn't know this even existed!" He was shaking while Y/n laughed. "I'll never reveal my secrets. I have one more present for you, I hope you like it."

She took out the Emerald she made earlier. It's the size of Izuku's hand! Inko was shocked at this, "Oh Y/n, you shouldn't have! It must have been so expensive to get all this!"

"It wasn't expensive really, I used my Quirk to make this. And even if it was expensive, I would have done it all again in a heartbeat!" There was silence before Inko whispers to Izuku so Y/n couldn't hear, "She's perfect, Izuku."


The day continued on as they cut the cake and spent time with each other. This was the best day of Izuku's life! He wanted to keep spending time with Y/n. Everything he gets close to her, his body turns all hot with weird thoughts. Thoughts of keeping her all to himself. This should be normal.........



I also found out that it was Mirio's Birthday too. So a Happy Birthday to him and Izuku!

1126 Words Overall

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