Start of UA

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Y/n's Point of View
Sweet baby Jesus I couldn't describe the nervousness and excitement I could feel at this moment. I have never in my lives (Author: not a mistake) ever think that I'd ever end up with superpowers and getting into the top hero school. This might have been planned by that woman I met before being reborn but that doesn't change anything. I got in and God knows what I'll face with my presence being a change in the anime. Here I go, my uniform all ready and so am I. (Not really though, I'm trying not to die of fangirling too hard)

My Mom and Dad kiss me goodbye but not before making me do a mini photo shoot to show the whole family later on. It really do be like that with parents. I made sure to shower, eat breakfast and brush my hair before heading out. "Aight, Imma head out now" were my last words before walking to the school. There's Izuku, I'll just walk with him there.

Izuku Midoriya's Point of View (Ooh boy here we go)

I'm still heading the way to UA, I can't believe it! I thought I failed the practical exam but got lucky with the rescue points I earned. I wonder how Y/n did, she probably did much better than me. There's no doubt in that. I've liked her for so long, she's the only one to tell me what I needed to hear when I was told I couldn't be a hero. Not even my mom said what I needed most. I can't believe she stayed by my side, with a quirkless loser like me, and protected me from Kaachan whenever he'd beat me up. It's feels sooo good whenever she gives me a kiss to heal me! I always want more and not just on my injures. Wait.... what am I saying!? I should stop. Oh, is that Y/n I hear? Oh it is! There she is.

She walks behind me and gives me a hug, I hold her hand and say, "H-hey Y/n" She replies back to me, "Good Morning Izu-kun! I can't wait to get to UA! What class did you get in?" I just say "I got into 1-A. What about you Y/n?" "I got into the same class as you! I wonder what our classmates are gonna be like. We getting closer to becoming heroes!" "Yeah, you're right." Oh god, why was I so awkward with her!? She doesn't seem to notice and say anything about it. That's good at least.

"Come on, Izu-kun! We gotta get going!" "Right!" I get so warm whenever she calls me that. It makes like her so much more. These thoughts have to be put aside right now! I can't become a hero if I just focus on that, but it gets harder to do so. Before I knew it, we're at the entrance of our school. We have to find our classes now. We enter the school in a hurry. "Class 1-A... 1-A... This place's too big..." I can hear Y/n replay to me, "It really is." Oh I said that out loud. "There it is!" Huh? Before I say something, Y/n beats me to it, "This door is huge." I ask "Is it for accessibility?" "Most likely so"

Y/n's Point of View

I knew about all the stuff he knew, but I had to pretend since he didn't previously tell me which class he was in or any other information. I'd say I'd say I'm pretty good at acting since he didn't think I was acting suspicious, or at least I hope so. I can't to start UA but not so excited for the exercise I'd have to be doing today. I want to be the best but maybe I should fuck up anything. OH WELL, it was a mistake to bring me here on that woman's part but imma do what I want. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the best kind of person for this but here we are. That is practically what my whole life is, it's "This most likely shouldn't be happening but oh well, here we go."

I can see Izuku being all nervous, I can tell what's he thinking about. Being in class with all the scary people but he's not saying it out loud so I can't comment on it. He opens the door and the first thing we see is Bakugo with his feet on the desk and Iida freaking over it.
"Don't put your feet on the desk!"
But then Bakugo is being all cocky with his attitude towards him. Iida only asks him,
"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A upperclassmen and the people who made this desk?"
"Nope. What junior high did you go to, you side character?"
I can see Izuku cringing while looking at the two, I would go tell them to chill but Bakugo wouldn't react well and I low key want to see the interaction between them.
"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."
"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you."
"Crushing?" That's cruel. Do you truly aim to be a hero?"
Ok that's enough for now, I head over to them to make an attempt to sort this out for now. "Alright, I think the both of you need to chill. Especially you, Kaachan" Ok, I know for a fact he didn't like me doing that since he just yells at me. "How about you shut your damn mouth, (insulting nickname)? I'll be crushing you along with the elite here." I regret going up to him but I can't go back now. "Now that's not very hero-like now is it, Kacchan? If you want to be a hero, then the attitude is something you need to fix up." I can see Iida's eyes shine for a bit but not really what I expected. But what did I expect over all? I did make an interference what what was supposed to happen.
"I agree with you. Being a hero would also have to include fixing up your attitude." Bakugo just scoffs and says to us, "Don't tell me what to do, just watch when I become number 1." I roll my eyes and realize that the entire class had their eyes on me and turned to Izuku after they noticed he was there as well. Iida obviously noticed as well, "You're... Good Morning! I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is-" he got cut off when Izuku started to speak to him. "I heard! I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you Iida." I decided to greet him as well, "And I'm L/n. I remember you from the exam." He looks to me after I introduced myself, "I remember you as well. You both knew there was something else to the exam, didn't you? I had no idea... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it but you both are better than me." Ok then. "There's no need for that, Iida. We just did what was though as best during the exam." He seemed happy about that, "You're so humble, L/n."
"Oh, the curly hair and the h/c hair! You two are the plain looking one and the helpful one. You passed, just like Present Mic said!" It was Ochako, she's so nice. "It's nice seeing you. Ochako, right?" I knew her name damn well but it's the same drill, pretend to blend in. "Yeah, I knew you would pass but I was worried about the curly haired one." "Well there's no need to because here we are. The curly haired one is Midoriya." He awkwardly waved at her with his face all cute and looking the other way. I've considered myself very lucky to see this so much closer than any fan would. I could just cry. "Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." Oh boy, it starts now. Ochako turns around to see the one and only Eraserhead. "This is the Hero course." He unzips his sleeping bag a little and drinks up a little juice pack he had in there apparently. Why does he keep stuff in there again? Izuku, Ochako and Iida (I'll call him Tenya later on possibly) are freaking out on the inside but it's clear to see it.

This is going to be fun
1425 Words Overall

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