A Little More Just for A Go

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A/n: I apologize for the amount of time I took, I hope I didn't keep you waiting!


Author's Point of View

Class was dismissed and the students talked among themselves about the Sports Festival. Excitement was spread around as they couldn't wait to be part of Japan's most popular event of the year. Baby shark Boi shouted out with his manly pride, "Even though all that stuff happened, I'm getting really excited!" Sero stood next to him and lightly nudged him on the shoulder, "If we put on a good show and stand out, we'll have taken the first steps to becoming pro!"

Sato would have had part in this conversation but sadly wasn't for Y/n's sake. (I'm sad, I might put him in a later chapter.) But Y/n didn't mind taking part of the conversation while Izuku stared at her from his desk, "I can't wait for it! I believe it's gonna go great with everyone here!" Hard Boi could help himself to say, "There's no doubt you're gonna catch the attention of some pro heroes, you're so manly! Or....uh..womanly?"

She couldn't help but chuckle, he was adorable after all, "I'll take manly, Kirishima." He seemed sheepish at that comment, maybe a bit nervous? After all, you'd be nervous too if you felt someone glaring as if saying something sinister to you. Don't you think?

Moving on from that, "So Y/n, I still don't understand what your Quirk is. I saw you from a distance and felt the rumble you caused. It looked..... beautiful though." It was Izuku that said that, he wanted your attention but the whole class was silent after that. They all agreed to what he said, Y/n's Quirk wasn't natural to what they usually saw. As terrifying as it was, there was unexplained beauty. "Your powers, mademoiselle, is magnifique. You must show us more!"

"Yeah, it's so Manly™️!"
"Your Quirk so bright and pretty!"

She received so much positive comments about her Quirk that she almost didn't realize Izuku had wrapped his arms around her and was holding closely. "Izu, what are you doing?" The close contact had the blood rushing to her cheeks. "Oi, get the hell off of her, fucking Deku!" The angry boy rushed towards the pair and grabbed Izuku by the neck. The other classmates started to step in to separate them. Shoji easily picked him up as Kirishima scolded Bakugo, "What are you doing, bro!? What's the big idea?"

Not much of an answer as Katsuki only kept yelling at Shoji to put him down. His hands started to spark when Y/n started to step in, todays class was turning into such a shit show. What the hell happened? She bubbled his hands and gently talked to him, "Katsuki, What are you doing? There's no need for all that. Calm down and don't explode anyone, please?"

Kacchan became unusually quiet and his cheeks started to go a bit red. (Which one, lol) The air is still tense, not just from what happened a bit earlier, but the jealously coming from everyone in the room. Jealous that she is holding the asshole's hand and talking to him all gently. "How come he gets that?" They all thought. The asshole noticed this and gave them a smug smirk. Jackass.

Time Skip Sponsored by Rickey Rat
(I made myself slightly cry when I typed that)

Here Y/n is at the front of her class after dealing with that little incident in class, which kinda drained her to be honest. She had finished getting all her things so she can walk out while Izuku helped her out while glancing at her every couple of seconds, a little weird to be honest. It was silent for a little bit, this was supposed to be the part where Izuku started a conversation about why they wanted to become heroes. So she swallowed and started to do it herself, "So Iida, Uraraka, what made you guys want to become heroes?" Both of them jumped at that, they didn't expect to be asked that question.

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