Name and Gem Time

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Enjoy this picture of Sir Nighteye that I found on Tiktok. I believe the creator is destroyer_jenthar
Let's go for another chaotic chapter! I need a life but if I did get one, I probably wouldn't write this story so here we go!
Also, to the request of one of my readers:
I got people reading this story from different places and I am honestly here for it.

Author's Point of View

Time continued on as if the previous event from the last chapter never occurred. All only remember the celebration party that happened at Y/n's house where her whole family was at. When she finally introduced Eve to her classmates, she passed her off as one of her cousins. They all believed her except Izuku and Katsuki, who had a wary feeling of her, since they've been around her the longest. However, none of Y/n's actual family members had come around to point it out, all were too busy doing something else.

They all enjoyed the food that was served and Eve finally got some of the cake that Y/n's aunt made. She was happy and content as she ate her cake. (Look at her enjoy her cake) Although she looked like a little gremlin while eating the precious cake, she had no fucks to give. Her fucks have run off dry. She tried to go fuck shopping but there was none left to buy.

Y/n was unfortunately stuck with her toxic family members but she wasn't going to put up with their shit.

Nasty Aunt: Look at all that food, you might gain a little something that you can't shake off.
Y/n: I can shake off the weight I gain, good luck with that piled up baby weight though.

Older cousin: You might wanna keep a watch over your little friends, they might leave and not come back for yo bitchass.
Y/n: Looks like yo daddy knows a little something about that department, hmm?

She would've given more attitude towards them but she realized her friends were about to get physical with her family members so she walked away before anything else could spark. She mainly focused on hanging out with her friends but her parents insisted on more and more photos. Even though she wanted a fun time, looks like it ain't gonna happen. While she still could, Y/n grabbed a box and filled it with more gems to give to Ochako. When she passed it too her, Ochako immediately knew what it was and thanked her profusely for it.

The night passed by and all had to go home soon. Her mom, being the kind of mother she was, gave them all leftovers if they wanted more. She was proud of her daughter for making it this far and having wonderful classmates that were respectful. Some of them might have been intense to be around but they behaved fine so there was nothing to really complain about.

The next day was still a free day and many of them took it as a chance to spend time with Y/n. However, this day wasn't going to be it. She received a call from Iida who didn't sound like he was in a good place. He asked her to come meet with him at the hospital where his brother was at, he explained all that had happened which Y/n already knew but didn't mention it. She agreed to meet with him and told her classmates that she wouldn't be able to spend time with them for today, all were disappointed but only few seemed to completely except it.

Y/n got dressed and made her way over to where Iida and his brother were at. She met up with him at the front where he told her he needed her for.

Y/n: You want me to heal your brother?

Iida: Yes. I've seen your healing powers and wondered if it would work on him, I just don't want his hero career to end because of this!

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