Security Breach

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Author's Point of View

It was time for the girls to head home but it took a while to consider what was Eve going to do. After all, she just ran into this world out of nowhere and had to find a way to get back. "Wait Y/n, how am I going to get home? Your parents don't really know me, we just met." Eve asked. It took some thinking but they decided to go retrace their steps to see what would happen. They went back to where they first saw each other, which was a little alleyway that Eve popped out of. "Alright, we're back at square one. So do you know exactly where you popped out?" Eve looked around before going to the wall in the back of the alleyway, "I'm pretty sure this is it. I popped out and started running. Before I got here, I was being chased by this black mist thing. It scared the shit out of me so I booked it like a deadbeat dad." "Oh ok, goddamn. So just touch the thing and imagine a portal back home, I don't know why anime logic is how it is but we'll see if the logic works in our favor." She nodded and turned to the wall to put her hand on there, she concentrated intensely before a rainbow light started to come out. "Oh shit! I think....... I think it's working. It's opening up, Y/n! Come on, get through." Y/n tried to put her hand through but it wouldn't work, "I guess I'm meant to stay here. Go home, Eve. Be sure to visit and bring the My Hero manga too. It might be useful later on." "Got it. I'll see you soon."

"Goodbye" was the last thing Y/n said before her friend went back. She was sure it was Eve's way back home, or at least she hoped so. She spoke without thinking when she said to go through but it's too late. While a certain green haired boy was supposed to be there, he wasn't. He almost got caught by the girls earlier and had to leave. Today was great and confusing at the same time, it didn't change the fact of how great it was. It was time to go home for real this time. There was going to be a mob of reporters and people at U.A, aren't there? Y/n really needs to get some rest or stay up until 2 and consume a shitload of caffeine. You might know what option she'll chose.



If you guessed staying up, then you're right. Y/n makes bad decisions but then again, she ain't the only one.

The next day

It's time for U.A again and Y/n is, of course, exhausted and running on caffeine. She regrets her choices but she's gotta get moving now. She didn't walk there with Izuku as she did on the first day so she ended up facing the reporters alone with all their pestering questions. All about having All Might as their teacher and what is it like. She decided to just answer their damn questions, "We didn't have him long enough but from what I've seen so far it's pretty much awesome. He's cool." The crowd is happy that someone actually gave some comments and kept asking more questions. Y/n decided that she's given enough and heads inside when they spotted Aizawa and tried to talk to him. Time to pick up the pace and find the others before the barrier activates. Class has to start soon.

"Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid"

"I know."

"Y/n, you have a lot of power and potential, same goes for you." She merely nods her head before Aizawa moves on to Izuku, "And Midoriya. You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh? You keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you control the issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya." "Yes, sir." "Now lets get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice but today I'll have you...." The whole class was panicking at the thought that they might have to do another special test. "... decide on a class representative."  Everyone was in relief that they were doing such a normal class activity.

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