God Have Mercy on Me

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Author's Point of View

I refuse to be nice right now so let us skip to age 14 of readers life.


Years have passed by once again and here we are at Aldera Jr. High. I believe that's what it's called. Y/n had aged beautifully and matured physically. She kept her grades average shape due to pressure once again from her parents to be the best but she kept her head without losing her sanity. Let me be real, I'd lose my sanity but I can't for the sake of this story. And dumbassery just loves to follow me. Maybe you too. But nothing could ever distract her from thinking of the life she once knew before. She loved it in this world, don't get her wrong. Nothing could ever compete with meeting her favorite people of anime and a chance of their life. The memes could never be the same, vines kept going through her head and it kinda hurts knowing she could never quote them without someone looking at her weirdly.

She has awaited the day where Izuku would meet All Might and mentally prepared for years for this moment. She had her knowledge of the future but there was so much she could do without damaging the original plot. She already caused some damage by protecting him whenever she could. As well as healing him instead of leaving him alone like in the story. Today was the day, she could do it. The amount of hope and dread matches each other and she couldn't predict what changes would happen compared to what she thinks would. "Here we go" she thought, but no one may never know what she knows. She enters the school to face the future and plot.

Time skip

She was already in class and the teacher was in the front with the papers but threw them when he said that there was no point because everyone wanted to be a hero. The whole class cheered and some showed off their powers a bit. "Don't be me in with these extras! I'm the only one who's gonna make it big. They'll be lucky to even make it as sidekicks to the hero's who pick trash." You know well who said that, Bakugo's big ego and mouth. But the teacher didn't pay much mind then he said, "Midoriya, L/n, don't you two want to go to UA?" The whole class was silent for a few seconds before they all started laughing. "Midoriya, you can't get in with just good grades!" "You're totally quirkless!" "L/n will make it for sure but there's no way for you!" It was getting annoying before she shouted out, "Leave him alone!" And the whole room glowed, everyone was silent and Bakugo looked like he wanted to kill me. "L/n, detention for using your quirk in class." "WHAT!?" What the fuck kind of bullshit is this, wasn't everyone else literally using their quirks a few seconds ago. Discrimination! Class is already over and now I gotta deal with detention which was from discrimination! A memory hits me, oh shit Bakugo is gonna destroy Izuku's notebook! Gotta blast! I run into the classroom to see Bakugo with Midoriya's notebook and throws it out the window and tells him "If you really want a quirk so badly, why don't you take a swan dive off the roof and pray for one in the next life." "Hey, jackass! Leave him alone dammit!" "Oh and what are you gonna do about it? You can't use your quirk!"

"You did the same thing you fucking hypocrite!" "Tch, whatever. You losers just stick together. You better not apply to UA or else." At that he just leaves along with his asshole friends. "You okay Izu-kun?" Izuku just looks at you with tears daring to spill out, "You didn't have to do that" Y/n looks at him and tells him, "Of course I had to. I couldn't let him just hurt you like that! Sorry I couldn't save your notebook, I was too late." Dammit, she thought. She knew this would happen but forgot due to her detention but she couldn't go back now. "It's fine, I'll go get it" You left and knew he would encounter All Might. With the flick of your wrist, your phone is out to let your parents know you'll be home late. You always do good so you are off the hook this time. Detention is over after 30 minutes of copying from the dictionary as punishment and home is the next place to definitely go.

But before you could sleep or do homework, you had to be sure to call Midoriya to check up on him. It's 8 pm now, I should call him now.
Ring Riiiing
Hey Izu-kun, you doin' alright? Anything important happened?
Yea actually! I met All Might and even got a signature on my notebook
Really? How lovely! Send a pic!
You knew about that but you couldn't tell him that.
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How cool, Izu-kun! Goodnight, I have to leave now
O-ok, bye Y/n

Today was a bit stressful and not even on my part! God have mercy on me! No I won't.

And like that I leave it there. This is more than I thought but using my imagination for this story is much fun!
905 Words Overall

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