Basic Hero Training

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Important note to make:
This is English
And this is Japanese
You'll know when it's needed or at least I hope so

Author's Point of View
The young girl woke up and had get started on her day. But as every morning, she wakes looking and feeling like shit. There are some days where she doesn't feel like shit but after all the exercise she did, it definitely had an effect on her. However she has no choice but to abide with what the author (Me) puts in her way. Besides that, the girl got up and went to get ready for school, forgetting about the paper she was supposed to read about the curriculum. She knew all the important events but the little details wasn't paid attention to. "Wait, am I forgetting something?....... OH SHIT, I HAVE OTHER CLASSES TO GO TO! MAN FUCK MY ATTENTION SPAN!" The young girl got ready while making sure to read the paper and got her dumbass moving to school. She brought the paper to memorize everything she needed to know about the actual classroom stuff.

"Ok ok, so there's English in the morning with Present Mic. How's that gonna go? Don't we all speak Japanese? Is this a mode thing? This sounds like English but I know it's not. Is there a switch? Let me see." In her mind was one thing, attempting to switch to English by saying the word loudly in her head and then speaking. "Am I doing this? Wait!?" The words sounded so different but she could understand what she was saying. It was forgotten to mention about the writing. She knew it was in Japanese but never once thought about the English. It just came so natural to her. "Nevermind that. Oh there's Izu." She came running towards her friend to greet him, "Good Morning Izuku! You wouldn't imagine how I felt when I woke up earlier. I felt like complete shit!" "Uh, what are you saying? Sorry, I can't understand you, Y/n." "Oh oop. Sorry, I got carried away with my English." The cute boy tilts his head a bit in confusion, "Although I didn't know you spoke English completely. You have never spoke it before. When did you start learning it?" Y/n realizes her other mistake as shit just keeps on happening. She makes up a lie as best as she could but didn't know if he would buy it or not. "My parents speak it completely. I was forced to learn it and decided to never speak it in public unless I perfect it. I guess today was that day!" He ponders for a bit before slightly nodding and starts walking.

Someone give this girl a Nobel Prize because just got away with it! "Wait, I still have school!" One second thought, maybe not. She forgets the little things as said before, how the fuck? Not only that, she still needs to see the other classes. Ok now it's time to get back on track. There's English with Present Mic, then the lunch by Lunch-rush which is gonna be fucking great, then the basic hero training. "I can do this, I believe in myself." is what the young girl said before she hit herself in the face with a pole.

"(Thoughts) Ok I can't do this." "Oh my god! Are-are you ok, Y/n. That looked like it hurt!" "I'm fine, Izu. Let's just go." "Are you sure?" He's so precious for caring about his friend. "I'm sure. Let's ignore this. The embarrassment hurts more than the actual pain." "Ok, if you say so."

—————Time skip to lunch because I am a fatass—————

Y/n was sure to snatch up the lunch that was made that the gourmet god, Lunchrush. She managed to find her favorite food there, she sure as hell didn't think that they'd have something like that! "(Thoughts) Best day ever!" The girl munched like a beast™️ before Iida complained, "L/n, please eat properly! You'll make a mess if you continue like that!" But his words were a spur in her ears as she continued to eat. He would have done more about it but was scared to face her wrath if she got her food ripped away from her. One thing in his life that he knows for sure is to never stop a woman from eating her beloved food. If you do, everything is on fire and God is dead.

Time skip to the next class because I don't feel like trying right now
Y/n's Point of View

Here we are in basic training, one part that I did actually remember was the hero costumes for today. This was the exciting part, besides seeing All Might in person for the first time. Dear God, I have waited actual years for this moment.

"I am.... coming through the door like a normal person. " The whole class is surprised to see All Might in their classroom. They all react in excitement for the Number 1 Hero, it was going great so far. "It's All Might." "Wow, he really is a teacher!" "That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?" "Its style is so different, it's giving me goosebumps."

"I teach Hero Basic Training. It's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right to it! This is what we'll do today— Combat Training!" Fuck, I knew this would happen but that don't change shit. Bakugo seems excited for that, wait no he is excited for that. Of course. "And to go with that are these! Costumes made based on your Quirk registration and requests you sent in before school started." Everyone gasps in shock and excitement as they see the lockers that have their costumes in there. "After you change, gather in Ground Beta!" "Yes, sir!" Everyone gathers their costumes and head to go change. Forgot to mention what my costume is supposed to be. It's a body suit which is colored with the colors of the diamonds swirling all over it. Then has a mask attached to it with a hood. (Author: I thought about the Gwen Stacy costume but imagine it how you would like it) Everyone goes to the location, all with their costumes on. They all look so cool!

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware... From now on, you are heroes!" Everyone, including me, came out the tunnel and stood in front of it with All Might in front of us. "That's great, everyone. You all look cool! Now, shall we begin, you zygotes?" Izuku came running out with his consume, the one before he made all the updates. You don't often see him wearing the mask though, mostly his face. Ochako was next to me when she noticed him, "Oh, Deku?" But he just ignored her and faced me with his cheeks red and hands over his face, "Y-y/n! Your costume! It-it looks great on you!" "Oh, thank you. But yours is cute! Like All Might, right? The things on top and the mouth area remind me of him." "Yeah, that's kinda what I went for. It's so obvious?" "Yeah, it kinda is." "What about your costume, Y/n? Where did you get your idea for it?" What am I supposed to tell him? Oh, it's from a show where I got a powerful person's powers and based the costume off the people who made the most powerful group which is called the Diamonds. Yeah, no. "I don't know. It just felt fitting for my quirk. And it feels kinda tight, I probably should have added more detail about it." I turn to Ochako to change the subject (I know I stole her line), "Your costume looks great, Ochako! How beautiful." I don't think she expected it out of me. "Really? Thanks! Same drill with me it's kinda tight. Details should've been more specific." "Well maybe you can change it when you can. It might take a while."

Mineta makes a comment about it, "The hero course is the best." I swear he turned to the camera and gave a thumbs up. Weird that he faced it. I can't forget about Aoyama though, he does it even more than him. Wait, was that a bit of a snap I heard? I look to where it might have come from, it's from All Might... I think I'm the only one who could hear that. He looks at the costume Izuku was wearing and notices the obvious resemblance to him. He covers his mouth to cover his laugh over that. "Now, it's time for combat training!" "Sir!" It was Iida with his robot hands. "This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?" "No, we're going to move ahead two steps! Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a high rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals— In this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows! For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles." "Without basic training?" Tsuyu asks. All Might replies, "This is a real battle to understand those basics! However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up." But then the questions start.

"How will the wins and losses be determined?"
"Can we beat them up anyway?" Ok goddamn
"Will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?"
"How shall we be split up?"
"Isn't this cape crazy?"
"I'll answer all your questions! Now listen here."

And I'm gonna leave it here for now. This took all day to write but I think it was worth it!
1661 Words Overall

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