Chapter 8- Drama

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Do I smell drama??

"I'm not hungry anymore" Ramisa groaned sitting at the table with a few things on her tray, KJ was already eating along with Emilia who have both learned to eat before its gone or get nothing when they were younger, Katelyn was organizing her food, as owyn took small bites

"You need to eat peachy keen" Katelyn spoke up, her voice quiet and soft. Scarlett was watching in mild curiosity, since the group meeting the girls have been silent, but they still managed to talk without words

"So... uh tomorrow is?" Scarlett questioned tomorrow was Tuesday and she forget what she was told in the beginning

"Separate therapy days... Caitlin will stop by later with when you are to go, we all go at different times, also depending on your issue is how many counselors you see" Owyn explains to her and she just nods

"Thank you" Scarlett goes back to eating, she hates the food, but she rather not starve so she eats what's on her tray, it's small pieces of chicken, rice and some vegetables

"Look a new girl among the freaks" a voice cuts through and they turn as two figures approach them

"Ashley... Rachelle... hello" Emilia speaks slowly, her voice containing anger which Scarlet picks up quickly, she watches everyone's demeanor change completely, Ramisa and the Twins are tensed and KJ and Emilia have a look of hatred on their faces

"What are those faces for? come on you love me don't lie" Rachelle says flipping her hair, a cheeky grin on her face as the two angry girls roll their eyes

"I want to die" Ashley says rather loudly which earns a near death glare from Emilia, Rachelle laughs and sets her hand on Owyn which causes her to scream at the sudden touch which has her twin trying to calm her quickly, the scream in returns sends Ramisa into an attack, she clutches her ears tightly and begins to mutter something

"Woah hey I don't know who you two are, but you need to leave!!" Scarlett growls out standing up angerly the girls look taking back as Rachelle and Ashley look at her in shock

"I don't know who you are but keep your mouth shut! This does NOT concern you ever" Rachelle says snobbishly glaring at the girl

"Leave!" Emilia yells slamming her fist on the table causing everyone to jump

"Oh, go Kil- "her sentence is cut short as KJ punches her, her eyes are slightly glossed over

"I suggest you back the fuck off and NOT finish that sentence" Her voice is different then what Scarlett knew, it was deeper and raspier as her fist where bawled at her side

"Avery" Emilia says putting a hand on the girl's shoulder as Rachelle and Ashley take off quickly

"We need to get the girls to the room" Emilia tells Scarlett as she bends down and whispers something to Ramisa who was just nodding

"What was that?" Scarlett asked exhausted as she watched the retreating girls, her anger simmered down and now she was drained and ready for bed

"Their names are Rachelle and Ashley... there a bad group" I look at KJ she's acting completely different than previously, no longer happy, and cheery, it's like she went from childish to cruel adult in less than .5 seconds!

"Let's go" She calls out and Scarlett snaps from her thoughts and quickly follows the girls to their room, she was confused but decided to not question it

"Come on guys breathe" Emilia stresses hugging the twins tightly as soon as they got back to the room. KJ was helping Ramisa calm down as she spoke to her softly she seemed to be back to her normal self

"Are they okay?" Scarlett asked Emilia who was trying to help the twins

"Do they LOOK okay?!" Emilia snaps angerly at the girl who looks taken back before glaring back at her

"I am just trying to help!!" Scarlett snaps back

"Guys..." KJ spoke from her spot

"We don't need your help!!" Emilia groaned standing up as they two girls glared at each other

"It kind of looks like you do" Scarlett retorts crossing her arms

"Guys..." KJs voice slowly gets louder but the girls continue arguing

"Well I DON'T" Emilia gets closer to the girl

"Get out of my face" Scarlett growls getting closer before there shoved away

"JUST STOP!!" KJ screams loudly glaring at both of the girls

"You both need to stop arguing!! This isn't helping anyone!!" her breathing starts to quicken slightly

"Now please just fucking STOP" She yells before she stomps to her rooms slamming the door, Emilia sighs but looks at the twins who are watching her

"Why don't you guys take peaches and watch a movie" She spoke softly the girls nodded and they left the room as Emilia turned to Scarlett

"I suggest you watch yourself, because you hurt anyone in this room, I will personally get you kicked to another hospital" She turns with a deep sigh and stomps to her room to follow KJ

"Ugh I just want to fucking go HOME!" Scarlett yells sitting on the couch her arms crossed as she huffs, but she can't help but feel slightly guilty, but her anger was squashing it for now as she layed down and closed her eyes.

Ayyo new chapter enjoy folks!!! Some drama has started obviously! But we all love some good ass drama I surely do.


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