Pregnancy months

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month 1

Cheryl was now 1 month. She had the tiniest baby bump.

When Veronica asked to see it, Cheryl showed her how tiny it was.

"Then we're gonna go get all the ladies, That's if your a boy, well, if you're both two girls that are into girls I'll be okay with that." Toni spoke to Cheryl's stomach.

"Baby, they don't have ears yet." Cheryl giggled.

"So. I'm just talking to my babies." Toni shrugged, going back to talking to them while Cheryl watched TV.

Month 2

"It's okay, baby. Let it all out." Toni said, holding Cheryl's hair back.

"This sucks." Cheryl huffed, wiping her mouth with the washcloth Toni handed her.

"I know. But, soon we'll have our babies in our arms. Cradling them sleep." Toni smiled, helping Cheryl up.

Toni pulled her into a hug, letting Cheryl rest her face in the crook of her neck.

Toni rubbed her back, holding her close.

"I can't wait until we get to meet them." Cheryl whispered.

"Trust me, I'm so excited to go shopping." Toni giggled, kissing Cheryl's cheek before picking her up by her thighs as she carried her into the bedroom.

Month 3

Cheryl's bump was becoming big. She liked to look in the mirror.

Toni walked into the room with Cheryl's tea she asked for.

"You're getting big." Toni smiled, rubbing her stomach.

"I know. I guess carrying two comes with the pack." Cheryl giggled.

"Are you ready for our ultrasound appointment?" Toni asked.

"Yep." Cheryl smiled.

Once they were at the hospital, Dr. Marcus told Cheryl to lay on the bed.

He put the cold gel on Cheryl's stomach (Cheryl was used to it now)

He smiled as he saw Baby A's toes growing in.

"You see that little dot?" He asked the couple. It was a 3D ultrasound.

"Yeah, I actually do." Toni smiled.

"That's it's foot." He said.

"Aww, tiny toes." Cheryl cooed.

month 4

Cheryl groans as she sat up, taking in her surroundings.

Toni was on her laptop, sitting up.

"Good morning, beautiful." Toni said. Leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"Morning." Cheryl yawned, laying her head on Toni's shoulder.

Cheryl sat up as she felt a slight flutter in her stomach.

"Toni! Oh my God, I think one of them just kicked!" Cheryl giggled.

Toni smiled, placing her laptop to the side.

She leaned down, kissing Cheryl's big belly.

A kick there. "Aww, it's kicking." Toni said, feeling the spot it kicked at.

"We get to find out the gender in two weeks." Toni said excitedly.

"It's so cute when you get excited about these things." Cheryl smiled.

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