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It was at that time. It was now the new year, and Levi and Leilani had to fly back to College.

"Lei..." Trinity cried, holding onto the girl while Camilla holds her.

"Baby, I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" Leilani said.

Trinity sighed, hugging Leilani tighter.

"I love you so much." Leilani whispered, hugging her girl tighter.

Trinity wiped her face before pulling away.

Trinity's father gave Leilani a sad smile as he nodded for her to follow him.

Leilani kissed Trinity's cheek before Camilla pulled her sister away.

"Did you do it?" He asked.

"Yep. She's going to be so happy." Leilani smiled.

Not too long before Leilani came back to visit for the holidays, She and Trinity's father made plans for Trinty to fly back with Leilani.

Camila was in on it too. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled.

"Tomorrow." The topaz girl smiled.


"Hey, Baby." Toni smiled, kissing Cheryl's cheek.

Cheryl smiled, laying her head on Toni's shoulder.

"I'm going to miss them all over again." Cheryl whispered.

"I know, baby. But they're all grown up now, and we still have 4 little monsters." Toni whispered before placing a small peck on Cheryl's forehead.

"I'm back!" Leilani called.

Cheryl jumped up, smiling, "Good! Now we can watch our movie. Guys!" Cheryl called.

The rest of their children came downstairs, Levi Carrying both Quinn and Wyatt.

"My babies!" Cheryl smiled as they ran to cuddle her on the couch.


"Ugh, gets me every time." Cheryl giggled through her tears.

Leilani smiled, "Mom is so sensitive." She teased.

"Am not! I'm just... Very open about my emotions." Cheryl defended.

"Yeah. Sensitive." Serenity giggled.

Cheryl rolled her eyes while Toni and Levi laughed at them.

"Levi leave me tomorrow." Atlas frowned as he remembered.

Toni sighed, "He'll be back before you know it, bub." She said, caressing his hair.

But Atlas started to cry. "Aww, buddy." Levi frowned, picking up his brother.

"I love you, okay? I'll be back on your birthday." Levi said, hugging him close.

The boy sniffled as he hugged his older brother, "Don't go, " He cried.

Cheryl frowned knowing why the boy was so upset over this.

Recently Atlas has been feeling like no one sees him. He's at that stage where if you don't interact with him for more than one hour later, he feels as if you ignoring him. Ever since Levi came back, he's been feeling much better.

"I have to, Buddy. But I'll call every day. And I will bring you back the cars I saw at the mall down there." Levi reasoned but Atlas shook his head.

"I want you to stay." The boy sniffled.

Toni stood up, "How about we all head to bed. We have to wake up extra early tomorrow." Toni said, looking at Cheryl.

"Yeah. Come on." Cheryl said.

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