So about that date...

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(Couldnt think of a better title🤦🏽‍♀️) anygay... This chapter is pretty crazy, so grab some tissues, and hold on to your wigs!

2 weeks later

"I'm super nervous." Leilani paced. She and Madison were going on their first date.

Levi was finally back at school, so everything was going back to normal.

"Calm down, Geek." Levi said, "I'm sure it will go as planned." He reassured.

"Fuck you." Leilani giggled making Levi roll his eyes.


Madison and Leilani stood in the line at the ticket booth.

Madison's phone ringed, "Oh. It's my mom. I'll be over there, get the tickets." She smiled.

"Okay." Leilani smiled.

As Leilani got the tickets, something was happening.

"Yeah. I have her right where I want her, mom... Yeah, we just left her house. Cheryl is prettier than you described..."

Leilani walked up, hearing this. She cleared her throat making Madison turn around.

"What... About my mom?" Leilani asked, feeling hurt.

"And why am I here you want me to be?" She then asked.


"Is your mom's name Heather...? Heather Brooks?" Leilani asked.

Madison looked down, then back up, "Uh... Yeah." She nodded.

"And to think, I thought you really like me." Leilani scoffed, throwing the tickets down before leaving the theater.

"Leilani! Wait!" She called.

"All this time you were doing this for your mother? So, she could see my mom? Pathetic. I don't want to see you again." Leilani sighed before turning away and walking out.

"Levi?" She spoke into her phone.

"Yeah... About that date..." Leilani trailed.

"I-I just don't get why I'm having a hard time finding someone." Leilani cried as Cheryl and Trinity comfort her.

"I'm sorry, baby. I really am. I didn't know she was Heather's daughter, nor her last name." Cheryl sighed, feeling bad.

"It's not your fault, Mom. It's mine. I'm just so gullible." Leilani huffed.

"I feel like it's my fault because we brought her into our friend group." Trinity huffed.

"It's not your fault, Trint." Leilani nodded.

"I'll be okay, Guys. I just need time to think." Leilani nodded, wiping tears.

"Okay, Honey. Is it okay if I leave, I have to decide what we're eating for dinner." Cheryl asked.

"Yeah. It's fine, mom. Thank you for being here." Leilani nodded.

"Anytime, Babes." Cheryl smiled, kissing the girl's forehead before leaving the room.

After about 5 minutes of comfortable silence, Trinity broke the silence.

"I'm sure there's someone out there waiting to love you. Don't give up, okay?" Trinity said.

Leilani nodded, "Thanks, Trint. Your the best." Leilani smiled, giving the girl aside hug.

"Any time girl." Trinity smiled. Silence fell upon them as they stared into each other's eyes.

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