Chapter Thirty-Five - Family Disfunction

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With my head throbbing I watched as Warren woke up Cleveland and they quietly left. Warren turned around one last time and waved at me and I waved back. Then I watched them go on their way knowing I'd probably never see them again.

I felt really sad.

Like really sad.

I had this pit in my stomach watching them go, we've only know each other for a handful of days and they were bound to leave the second they had the opportunity but I was the reason why it hurt so bad from my end. I had created this fantasy in my head that Warren would stick around and he'd realize how much potential I have and he'd show me some of the complex medical things he knows and I would open up to someone about how much I miss my dad, and I know he would understand and give me some good advice since he's in that very same position. I imagined that when he realized how much I missed my dad he'd invite me to come with him and save his daughter and in return he'd help me find my dad. And maybe, just maybe I'd be able to feel like I had a parental figure in my life again, I got that stripped from me for so long. There's nothing I want more than to have a normal rest of my childhood, even if I only have less than a year left of it.

I laid back down and closed my eyes. My head and my back still hurt a lot. My head is constantly throbbing and my back is always sore. I just wish I had my dad here to take care of me like he used to when I was sick. He would take the day off of work and would watch TV with me all day. When I was in pain he would hug me and hold me til it went away. I actually think, the last time I must've gotten a hug from someone was the last time I saw my dad.

I haven't gotten a hug in over a decade.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and the rustling of bushes, I sat up squinting my eyes only to see it was Warren and Cleveland! My heart jumped immediately thinking they were going to ask me to come with them but upon putting on my glasses I saw they had frightened expressions. Guess not then.

"Everyone needs to wake up right now!" Warren exclaimed.

"Why what's going on?" I asked.

"The Syndicates are right here. We're all in trouble." Warren said in a panicked voice, "Everyone up we need to go!"

Blake and Reece shot up immediately while Elias say up slowly rubbing his eyes trying to take everything in.

"Remington let's go. Now." Warren ordered as he crouched down to get into the tent putting his hand on Remingtons shoulder and shaking him aggressively.

"Dude c'mon... it's early as shit..." Remington groaned as he swatted Warren's hand away.

"The Syndicates are right outside would you rather them wake you up? I don't think so. Put on a shirt and let's go." Warren ordered.

"Wait... The Syndicates?" Remington asked as he lifted his head up, "Are you sure?"


Taking his advice I grabbed my bag quickly stuffed my blanket and the clothes I was using as a pillow back into my backpack. I threw on my jacket and quickly put on a pair of a black jeans then grabbing my boots and lacing them up. Despite struggling to keep my eyes open due to the pain it caused me I made my way out of the shit tent that was made ready to go.

"Okay which way did they come from?" Remington asked as he stood up alongside me after frantically gathering all his things and putting on a shirt and pants.

"They're coming in east bound as far as we were able to tell, if we wanna get out I think our best bet is going north since the entrance to the Twins is south from where we came." Warren explained as he started moving forward, "C'mon when I mean now I mean right now."

All of quickly began following Warren and Cleveland, I watched Remington try to make his way up to the front of the group with Warren trying to make it look like now he was leading. I however started falling behind, carrying my backpack on my shoulders and having it rub up against my healing back hurt like a mother fucker. Not to mention how bright it was outside this morning, my eyes were squinted as far as it could go while just barely being able to see.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" An unfamiliar voice ordered.

"Oh shit." Elias breathed.

I would've started to run but before I knew it Syndicates came out from the brush and surrounded us at all sides. We all backed into each other and Reece grabbed my arm and held it tight while me and Elias shared a horrified expression.

"Well look at what we have here everyone!" The troupe leader said as she walked towards us, you could always tell who was the leading member because basic troupe leaders like her weren't required to wear masks like the others, "I believe it's the elusive Remington Prince! He owes a good sum of money doesn't he?"

Remington just looked down at his feet in anger and frustration.

"And look he's got all his little friends with him too. You know it's funny, the Twins told us they had you at their camp. Did you guys finally get smart and escape? Well escape is a strong word for your case. You guys just walked a couple blocks and thought you were in the clear! Really reflects what great leadership you're cute little group has. Honestly Mr.Prince your stupidity just makes my job to easy."

I watched as one of the Syndicates walked up to his troupe leader, "Officer Harloff camp is not that far away, if you'd like to speak with the Twins while me and half the troupe take them back and detain them I would be happy to do so."

"I like the way you think, efficiently. Alright everyone half of you are coming with me, the other half will be taking these idiots back to camp." The troupe leader ordered.

The Syndicate who had proposed the idea pointed to us and the other half of the Syndicates walked over all grabbing our bags and taking them away from us while also tying our hands together.

I looked over at the others, Remington just looked humiliated and frustrated with himself, Reece terrified, Cleveland was shaking, Elias looked nervous, Blake had a straight face but I could tell she was thinking of a plan to get out already, Warren looked dumbfounded he just kept staring at the Syndicate who was now calling all the shots now that they were splitting up into separate groups.

The Syndicate watched as the troupe leader left before grabbing the bottom of his mask and pulling it up revealing his face, he was a normal looking guy dirty blond hair coupled with a shorty stubbly dirty blond beard, blue eyes like Warren's, he just stood there and stared at us.

"What's wrong Barron?" One of the Syndicates asked as she pulled up her mask as well.

"BARRON?!" Warren exclaimed out of nowhere in a breath of anger and shock.

"Barron..." Cleveland echoed.

"Barron do you know him?" The female Syndicate asked.

"It's my fucking older brother." The Syndicate said.

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