Chapter Tweleve - Knowledge Is Power

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I sit down boredly inspecting my finger nails while I can hear Reece searching in every corner of the house looking for something to entertain her. I usually don't need much. Give me a book, you won't hear from me for hours. Sometimes I just like to sit and just do nothing but be in my own thoughts. It's nice, it's relaxing. But then Of course theirs people like Reece who needs constant attention. Always has to talk to people. Always has to be doing something. Remington can be like that too sometimes. Always singing, well except I like Remington's singing, he's a good singer. It reminds me of when I was little before the war and my Dad would drive me home from kindergarten with the radio on. Sometimes he'd sing too.
I hope my Dads okay. I miss him so much. Hopefully he'll find me soon. He promised me he would.
"Corban..." Reece sighs as she walks into the room, "I'm bored as Hell,"
"Fun," I mutter.
"There's nothing to do in this house," Reece sighed, "I wish TVs still worked,"
"Yep," I mutter.
"So what are you thinking about?" Reece asked.
"How disgusting my nails look," I say.
"Pfft what are you some teenage girl?"
"Oh and your not?" I retort.
"Hey I turn twenty in a couple of months so shut up pimples," Reece says.
I frown as I cover a part of my face with my sleeve, I hate it when everyone makes fun of me for being the only one with acne. It sucks  being the youngest (though I have an older mental state than all of them combined which isn't saying much seeing Remington and Reece don't act any older than eight year olds and Elias like some edgy teenage girl or something). Everyone always picks on me since I'm still struggling with those stupid awkward parts of puberty. Like persistent acne and the fact I can only grow pathetic stubble on my chin. I'm so glad I got past my voice changing, I would have the worst voice cracks, everyone would laugh at me when it would happen.
"Shut up it's not funny!" I whine. Alright I have to admit I can be really bad at defending myself. I just come off as this whiney baby.
"Aww did I hurt your feelings Corn Cob?" Reece teases in a baby voice. I don't mind them calling me Corn Cob, they think it annoys me but jokes on them I've been making that joke about my name since I was five.
I just roll my eyes at Reece and let out an annoyed groan.
Suddenly there's a loud scream that roars threw the house, the woman we had tied up and surrounded with chairs was awake. She immediately started kicking at the chairs and tried to untangle herself from the rope. Immediately me and Reece ran over to calm her down. Hopefully we can just hit her in the head again and we can find some closet to put her in.
Reece runs up to her and pushes her over covering her mouth with her hand. The woman continues her muffled screaming in an attempt to be heard.
"Corban give me something to hit her with," Reece orders as she turns to me.
I turn back to look for a blunt object to use to hit the woman in the head with ink to hear Reece shriek behind me. I turn around seeing Reece nursing her hand that used to be on the woman's mouth while the woman began to break free from the rope. "SHE BIT ME!" Reece exclaimed.
I watch the woman begin to untie herself, I run over to her and push her over and began fighting with her on the floor. She overpowered me and now she was pinning me to the floor. With her free hand she grabbed my neck and squeezed, not completely blocking off my air way but enough to make it hard to breath and for me to start coughing. I'm flailing my arms around smacking her trying to her her to loose her grip but her grip is getting stronger.
"Ree— ReeCe—" I cough and wheeze as the woman finishes detangling the rope around her back with her other hand and reaches over and wrapped it around my throat. Now she has both hands strangling me. Now I can no longer make little noises or breath. No air. My lungs are begging for a deep breath, I'm hitting her with all I got but nothing. Nothing is working. My vision is starting to get blurry and foggy. This is the end. This is how I die. I'm fine with that. I'm sick of this place. I'm sick of these people. I'm sick of having to be so grownup when I'm still so young.
"I'M COMING CORBAN DON'T DIE!" Reece screams. I can barely see her run over with a large book in hand and slams it down on the woman's head.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" The woman exclaims as she let's go of me and turns over to Reece.
I roll onto my side and start coughing and gasping for air. I can hear Reece and the woman fighting behind me. Grunting and cursing at each other.
"YOU BASTARDS! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" The woman hisses.
Reece simply grabs the book and hits the woman in the face with it over and over until she finally goes limp (again). Her face is bleeding from her now broken nose, one of her teeth have been newly chipped, it won't be long until her face starts to bruise up.
"Corban are you good?" Reece asks as she sets the book down.
"I'm okay," I say in a quiet voice as I catch my breath.
"Crazy woman, she nearly killed you!" Reece exclaims as she starts to tie the woman up again.
"Says the person who just beat someone unconscious with a fucking book!" I retort.
"Hey you've said it yourself, knowledge is power," Reece shrugs.

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