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he was love struck.

he couldn't move as she walked towards him, dark hair shrouding her face and covering her dark eyes.

the girl was stunning.

she had sad eyes, the boy knew because he had seen them in himself everytime he looked in the mirror.

her full lips were pursed together, trying to conceal any emotion she might've felt.

he slowly walked towards her until they met in the middle.

they stared at eachother for an uncomfortably long time.

"uhm hi." his voice cracked on the 'i' leaving an awkward silence in the air.

she opened her mouth like she was about so say something but shut it after deciding she didn't care for pleasantries.

she looked down at her beat up sneakers, avoiding eye contact.

"i'm sorry." he uttered quietly to break the uncomfortable silence.

her eyes darted up in confusion.

"i'm sorry?" he brought his hand up to run it through his unruly hair.

"no, i heard you i'm just," she brought her eyes to his, "surprised."

"why?" he looked away, not being able to handle the brutally real confrontation.

"because uh," she paused wondering if she should really tell him everything she's felt in the past few months, "because i'm shocked you even care."

"what?" he put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, "of course i do?"

"really? cause if you don't really cared about me you would've given me some fucking explanation finn."

"i," he panicked, he couldn't admit his feelings, " i uh."

"you can't even piece together an explanation? this was a waste of my time." she looked up at him, something in her eyes begging him to say something.

"i'm leaving. thanks for being my friend while you were. you did a pretty decent job up until the end." she spat at him before she turned around and started to walk away.

he watched her hair swing and the way her hands fidgeted at her sides the way they did when she was upset. he couldn't let her be upset over him anymore.

without thinking, he took off, running towards her. she turned around.

"what finn, finally have something to say?"

"i, uhm, i," she shook her head in disbelief.

"stop wasting my time." she turned on her heel, walking faster.

he matched her pace until he was in front of her. he grabbed her arms at the elbow, staring into her honey brown eyes.

"i love you mills. i always have and i don't think i'll ever be able to stop. i loved you when we were kids, i loved you as i ended things, i-"

"what? no, right? haha this is a joke?" she cut him off, not believing his words.

"no millie. i love you, i knew you wouldn't like that i had feeling so i left and i uh, what are you

while he was rambling on she had brought her hands up, around the back of his neck.

"shhh, be quiet lover boy."

he glanced down at her lips, then back up to her eyes, subconsciously biting his lower lip while trying to decide if he was allowed to kiss her.

"what? uhm i mean, what?"

"i think i love you too finnie."

his face erupted into a smile, months of heartache and regret were washed away with those five simple words coming from her.

he angled his face down to hers and closed his eyes ready to-

wait, i'm sorry. this is wrong. this is how i i wanted it to go. i wish i told you that i loved you. i didn't though. i let you walk away.

god i'm such a dumb ass.

writing what i wanted wasn't going to make it happen. nothing can get you back.

i hate myself almost as much as you hate me. i wish i didn't love you.

that's a lie. every moment i've had with you has made me so incredibly happy.

you're the best thing that's happened to me and you deserve so much better.

i wish you would see me the way i see you.

'lover boy'

ps. i would trade anything for a second chance.

draft saved to
1:16 am

sorry lol i'm a sucker for heart break.

sorry it's been a while since i updated, i only write when i'm sad and i've been pretty okay recently. this was a rough and unedited chapter, sorry!!

as a ~gift~ for taking forever i'm gonna update again.


gossip girl

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