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𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

destiny was a fickle thing

it likes to take the long, scenic route.

it leads us astray just to force us to find our way back.

finn never believed in the idea of fate.

he thought it was a ignorant idea for ignorant people.

millie thought that there had to be some reason for all the shit she got put through.

turns out there was.

she graduated from highschool and moved away from that goddamned town.

she faced other heartbreak but none of it compared to the pain from that very first one.

she thought it hurt more just because finn was her best friend, but some little part of her always knew it was because she felt something more.

she dated around for a few years, even getting close to a some but something always felt off.

they were never the one.

finn moved to new york for film school after he graduated and lived with some friends from his senior year.

he was happy. really.

he never dated, he tried but never felt the same way about anyways as he did about her.

all his 'dates'soon turned to meaningless hookups.

caleb had moved out to new york for a while after he and sadie broke up.

the two of them lived together after college. they became tighter than they even were in highschool.

it was nice for finn to have a best friend again.

sadie and caleb had broken up 2 years ago, but recently they started talking again.

sadie moved all around working with doctors without borders. she was a nurse and helped people everyday. it was the thing she felt destined to do.

part of their breakup was because of her moving around so much, but the past two years without sadie has made caleb realize how much he loved her.

he planned to fly out to seattle, while she was on a break, to perform some big romantic gesture to get her back.

finn knew the two of them would always end up together. they were sadie and caleb, two of the best people he knew and they deserved happiness with each other.

finn saw the good in a lot of people, even when they didn't see it in themselves. he knew that no one was truly a bad person, but when it came to the man in the mirror, he couldn't seem to find this aforementioned, "good person."

he hurt the person he loved most and stood by silently while she was drowning in her own mind.

he did that to her and he never truly forgave himself.

millie never forgave him either.

parts of her knew that is was for the better. she was finally happy and wrote a book about her past pain.

her book reminded her how much she loved to write, and kept her focusing on how she grew from that bad experience.

her first book got an overwhelming response and she had never felt so heard.

thousands of people read and related to the heartbreak of last unspoken thoughts.

she claims that she's moved on, she claimed that her heart was whole again but it wasn't. no amount of fame and money could ever fill the cracks.

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