Who am I ?What are you?

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•Chapter 2•

"What a peculiar name," I said with smirk, "I'll call you Pan"

Peter looked at me with a flirty smile appearing on his lips. "Anything you want is fine with me Angel."  Thirty minutes  from walking  deeper into the woods  we came upon to what looks like a camp site. With a massive fire and tree stumps surrounding the glorious fire. But the stumps weren't alone.  Over a dozen boys sat on them. Staring at me alarmed.

"These are my boys."

"I'll call them Pan's Army."

Peter grabbed my hand, giving us a moment of looking at each other with soft smiles. Until something interrupted our special moment.

Three of the boys immediately ran up to me with a fierce look on their face. I immediately ran behind Pan, Using him as my shield.

"Whoa Whoa boys calm down. She's with me." Peter said. The way he said it . Almost as a 'back the hell off' but with a 'You will never have her' twist.

A boy who seemed much older than I am walked in front of Peter and I facing us, as I still hid behind Peter. I looked over Peter's shoulder and got a better look at the boy. This boy has blondish hair with eyes like a snake. Very mischievous. Giving me a red flag. No matter how important this boy becomes in my life I will never trust him

"No need to worry beautimous," The boy reached for my hand as I still his behind Peter. I gave him my hand and he kissed my hand, "The name's Felix."

"Don't touch her!" Peter yelled glaring  angerly at Felix. "What?" Felix questioned with a slight smile. Peter gave him a nasty look, "Back the hell..off. " Peter said not losing eye contact with Felix. I had to quit playing my shy girl act. I then stepped next to Peter

"Peter." I said


"It's okay," I kissed his cheek, "He now knows I'm yours. Pan never fails."

By doing that I did Peter a favor. I saved his sorry ass. You can hear all the boys "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHing" at Felix and you can see Peter who is nothing but smiling and blushing. He owes me big time.

I walked over to the fire and stared into the burning flames that burst like fireworks. As I kept staring into the flames a memory came into my mind.

I'm in a huge creepy old  castle.  I'm in of what looks looks like a study. A man sat in a beautiful leather chair next to a fire. "Crystal!" the man called.

"I'm coming!" A girl voice said. A little girl appeared.  It's just something about this little girl is weird. It looks like me, but younger .


"One day your going to grow up and I won't be attached to you anymore. You'll hate me because well I'm hated." the Man said putting a lock of my hair behind my right ear. It felt like something about growing up scares me.

"No matter what, you'll always have this to remember."

" I know. But there's a catch you see."

"What is it?"

He kissed my forehead, " You're always going to be my daughter I never had in my eyes."

I climbed into the man's chair and sat on his lap . With my head on his chest  listening to his heart beat.

"Bae!!" He yelled,

"Baelfire! Get in here."

A boy who seemed the same age as I  appeared. I felt as if he were my best friend but I had to cover it saying he's my brother.


"Promise me something."

He looked over at me and winked, "What."

"Promise me you'll always find her," The way he said it. Like he knew something was bound to happenen, "Even if you have to go to the extreme

The boy looked back over at me and smiled,"Always."

I them focused back into reality.

" Angel." Peter said. I blinked my eyes rapidly.


"Come dance with me."


"Just listen."

I didn't hear anything.

" I don't hear anything."

"Hmm," The look on his face seemed determined, "Why are you hiding? There's nothing to be afraid of." He completed his sentence with a smile.

I hear something. Its sounds like a pan flute. I looked over at him and he smiled and stood up in front of me.

Peter put out his hands. I then grabbed them and immediately I was sucked into dancing and celebrating. I was celebrating being lost. During the dancing something occurred into my mind. I'm not dancing to just any music.

I'm dancing to the Lost Boy's Song.

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