Beautiful Incident

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•Chapter 1•

Woken up by the sounds of the riptides dancing on to the shore accompanied by the light blue ocean singing. While the sun is glistening off of the sea. I open my eyes with caution, ever so slowly . To realize that I've been laying on my side. With the first thing I saw was millions of grains of sand with tiny rocks intertwined in between the grains of sand. I tried to move my body . Everything ached. It felt like the riptides washed me ashore. The feeling like I was swimming for forever .I gently lifted my body up with my head coming up last. To realize that I am on a beach. Of all places a beach. A bit queer to wash up. Or was I? All I see is the sun scorching down on the island making the trees shadows to be reflected off of the shore. I got up from the sand and I felt tired determined. I need to find someone. ~Anyone~ . I closed my eyes. Took in a deep breath in. Hearing the riptides bang against the shore. The calmness realized that I'm ready. I opened my eyes with a smile on my face. I will find someone. I have hope that I will be found. So I walked to the barrier from where it cuts off from shore to forest. And willingly walked into the forest

As I progressed into the forest I realized I was wearing a black dress that hung from the shoulders down. The middle section of the dress was tight around the stomach area and the rest of the dress flowed past my feet. Shit. I realized I was barefoot.

By this time the sun is two hours away from setting. My Feet were bruised and scraped from the walking. It hurts so much. That It forces me to stumble when I walk. My hair is just everywhere. Perfectly messy I suppose.

The sun is close to setting and at this point I'm about to give up. Its pointless to try anymore .Until I heard a branch break on the ground. That alarmed me. It was a sense of comfort and a sense of fear. Someone is there.

I slowly peered my head around the corner. It was a boy. About 6'3 Brownish hair. And beautiful green eyes. He wore rugid clothes. Simple yet Perfect. "You don't have to be afraid of me. You can trust me" He said. "I don't give a shit. I don't trust you." I said

"You know, I'm usually not this nice so I'll just-" He turned around.

"Wait!" I cried out.

He laughed,"Either way love, I wasn't going to leave you. "

That brought butterflies grow in my stomach like a vine that never ends.

"Give me one reason I should trust you." I snapped at him.

He snickered. "Because Love, You and I are the same. Were both Lost, I just know where I am," He smiled "What's you're name?" he asked.

My name? I have a name? " I-I don't know." I looked down.

He almost seemed impressed. Like he was shocked that I can speak for myself and fight for what I believe in. By the look on his face I can tell I earned his trust

He walked closer to me , Took his coat off, and put it around my shoulders. I put my nose to the coat that hung from my shoulders and smelled the scent of his cologne that was left on the jacket. Forcing me to smile. I felt safe.

"Well, I'll just have to give you a name," He put a lock of my hair behind my left ear, "I'll call you Angel."

I blushed and replied, "Why Angel?" I remarked with Class.

"Because I know a mystery when I see one."

Holy shit that was smooth. "Alright," I said facing forward. The boy gestured a way for Him and I too walk. I already got the sense that were walking somewhere, but where? The only reason I'm going with him is because I need to know more about where I am and what's going on, "So mystery boy,What's you're name?"

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?,"He put his hands in his front pockets and Laughed. " I'm Peter, Peter Pan"

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