Gentle Scream

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•Chapter 13•

Peter then put out his hand.

"Need a hand?" Peter kneeled down.

"Maybe. How far will you pull me up?"

Peter laughed,  "All the way to the other side of Neverland."

A million questions ran through my mind when he said that

I grabbed Peter's hand and helped me stand.


" Yes?"

"I'm just curious," I bit my lip, "What is on the other side of Neverland?"

Peter then grabbed my hands intertwining our fingers as we walked along the shore getting away from Jaime and Hook.

"Well, A small town. Its full of lost boys and girls. Some had the decency to have children, but others," Peter looked out into the ocean, "Got lost."

" I want you to take me there. Right now."

" Wait whoa. Right now?"

"Yeah. Just me pick me up at 3. "

"You expect me to leave you alone in a place you've never been before?"

" I expect you to trust me," I smiled

"It's worth the adventure."

"Ugh,"Peter kissed my hand, " Your so lucky I'm madly in love with you."

"I know." I smiled.

"I'll take you there on one condition."

" And what's that? Peter Pan."

Peter then picked me up with my legs wrapped around his waist.

"You and I will have a little fun after this is all over."

"I'll gladly make that exception."

Peter then kissed my neck putting me down.

" To the other side of Neverland."

Peter said as we disappeared in purple smoke.

We then arrived to the small town Peter was talking about. We stood in a road with small houses located on each side.

"Okay, I'm gonna trust you and leave."

"Wait, I don't know where to go."

Peter pulled me close to his body kissing me with his hands holding below my waist.

"Being lost is part of the adventure ." Peter said as he disappeared in the purple smoke.

I walked down the middle of the road. Until it came to the end.

At the end of the road I found a small house with a small fire I can see through the window lit inside. I walked over to the house and knocked on the door,

A boy answered the door. He looked about 19.

"Well if it isn't the White Wolf ."

"I'm sorry, what? "

"Your Crystal. Pan's fiancè."

"Yes. But what is this White Wolf?"

"Time will tell." The boy said.

I walked in the small door and saw a girl the same age as the boy sitting in a rocking chair by the fire there was also a empty chair across from her as well. I also noticed she was holding a little baby in here arms.

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