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•Chapter 14•

*Peters P.O.V.*

"Go get some sleep for a little bit" I said looking at Crystal and Jaime, "Both of you you need it."

"But what if-" Before I let Crystal finish I kissed her forehead. She looked at me in my eyes then laid down on my thigh and fell asleep as I keep stroking her hair. Jaime did the same to Hook 5 minutes after Crystal did. Leaving Killian and I  awake and alone .

"I feel so bad, She just had a baby and now she's risking everything its just-" I said brushing my hand against my face.

Killian sighed, "The guilt is killing me too. This is the last thing I want for Jaime. For Crystal. For you."

I lifted my head up and faces towards Killian.

"Since when did you give a shit about me?"

"A long time mate. Ever since the Black Pearl. I remember that Crystal was my best friend on that boat. She still very much is. I mean if it weren't for her Jaime and I wouldn't be together. Well, we would've found each other of course but its different," Killian put his elbow on his knee resting his head on his hand, "I remember the first time you saw Crystal. You could see it in your eyes. It was love at first sight. You couldn't take her eyes off of her. At that moment is when I finally started caring for you."

I stared into Killian's eyes for some sort of loophole for a lie. But there was none. He was telling the truth. I know that because I was there.

"Killian promise me something." I said looking into the ocean keeping my eyes away from his, but I could still sense that he was still looking at me.

"If anything happens to me take Crystal to safety as well as Darcia and her sisters."

Killian brushed his fingers through his hair.

"You have my word,Peter."


"Peter, can I tell you something confidential? Keep this between us."


Hook laughed rubbing his face, "I think I got Jaime pregnant."

"Oh God, you bloody pirate." I said laughing.

"I know. But if anything happens to me keep her safe and whatever may be inside of her."

"What like her internal organs?"

"If Jaime weren't asleep on my leg right now you'd be bloody murdered."

I then smiled. And looked back into the ocean I then saw hundreds of ships coming towards Neverland. I knew who they were, Jack and Emily.

"Ship!" I yelled. 

I nudged Crystal and Jaime up. We all . looked out into the water and screamed with excitement hugging each other tightly.

*Crystals P.O.V.*

A few minutes pasted as all the boats rested upon the shore. Hundreds of men and women came off of those ships and I could tell when they would get off they were walking to the plain. These strangers will forever be in my debt.

I looked at the Black Pearl that is now rested on Neverland's shore. I then saw Jack and Emily come off the ship.

"Crystal, Jaime!" Emily yelled.

Jaime and I ran over to her hugging her so tightly.

"Where's Sadie?" Emily questioned.

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