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• Chapter 6 • "War?!"

"Yes, and were all fighting in it, unfortunately."

I walked towards the edge of the ship, anxious. "Why is there a War coming?"

Jaime walked over and stood beside me at the edge of the boat. "Because ," Jaime laid her hand on my shoulder, "of you . "

"What did I do?"

"You chose Peter over Magic. You chose the right thing. Rumple didn't like that you did. Rumple had a weird attraction to you. He wanted to turn you dark. The meaning about when he says , ' Magic always comes with a price ' He means that You always come with a price ." " Why the hell does this shit happen to me? I just want to sleep," I exclaimed. I mean I'm pregnant and the war and ugh,

"I'm sorry I don't want to be rude. It's just to much. " " It's fine. Your a pirate. You've done things I haven't even done. You'll know soon enough."

I walked over to the door which opens into the cabins. I stopped with my hand on the door and turned around.

" Who's coming for Peter and I ?"

Jaime sighed,

" The Dark One's Army." I woke up to the sounds of the waves banging against the wood of the boat. Making a creaking noise. I soon realized that I was in a white night gown that went down to my knee's and I was barefoot. I also noticed that I was in a cabin located on the lower deck of the ship. I was in a bed with white sheets tangled within my feet. The only other people in the Cabin were Emily and Sadie. I knew it could only be them, Because Jaime was obviously with Hook.

" Shh Emily, they could hear us!" Sadie whispered loudly.

I got up and walked over by them.

" What's going on?" I whispered.

" Hook and Jaime are doing..stuff."

said Sadie.

Oh great.

" What kind of stuff?" I asked.

"Just watch, babe." said Emily.

We were by a door . Peeking through the crack of it.

*Jaime's P.O.V. *

" I don't know what could happen to you Killian I mean-"

" Shh," Hook pressed his finger against my lips, " Don't worry about me darling. I have you to worry about and what will happen in the future." Killian chuckled. "Future?" I smiled.

Killian then pulled me close, "Future."*Crystals P.O.V * " Okay that's enough for me."

I said.

I walked out of the cabin and entered into a hallway. I noticed a red door that was slightly opened. I stepped inside of the door seeing a room filled with white. Nothing was in the room. I found something weird about this room though . This room had windows,  with long white curtains hanging from it. I felt so comfortable in this room. I was relaxed so I sat down on the floor hugging my knee's.

I started going deep into thought. On a constant train that has no end. I thought about Peter and how he loves me. And how I wanted to kiss him. T- My thoughts were interrupted..by footsteps.

I hear the footsteps coming up from behind me.

" You seem sad. " said a male voice. Hook. " I'm okay."

" No your not, I've used that excuse way to many times to know that your lying."

" I just miss him, that's all."

Hook sighed.

" Aye, you'll see him soon. Don't worry. "

"I hope so." I could tell that Hook saw that I was in Denial.

Hook  walked over to me placing his hand out to me.

" I know so,"

I grabbed Hook's hand and he helped me up,

" Change your clothes , There's a black dress with boots with it, There's also a belt containing a pistol, Five bullets, A knife , Sword, and pixie dust."

" Pixie dust?"

"Aye, pixie dust. Jaime will show you where it is."

" How do I know how to use them?"

" Trust me you know. You have a pirates blood."

" Okay." I laughed .

"Meet us all on deck after your done, Savvy?"

"Savvy."I did what hook said. And have everything completed. I saw all Four of them waiting casually for me.

" Sorry I'm late." I said.

" Never late, Just waiting." Sadie said.

" Alright I'm gonna make this short and simple," Hook said gathering us in a circle, " Peter doesn't have many people on Neverland obviously. Basically teenage boys  against the dark.one. But I know someone who can help us with our little problem."

" Tell us." Said Emily.

Hook looked at Jaime.

" Your not going to like some of this information but he's a pirate who loves not only me but all of us especially Crystal," Hook breathed out a heavy breath,

"His name is Jack Sparrow."

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