Great Escape

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•Chapter 10•

I'm woken up by the sounds of Darcia's giggling. An immediate smile appears on my face. I then slowly opened my eyes and  I saw Peter's face and Darcia burrowing herself in between us.

"Good morning, beautiful." Peter said kissing my lips lightly.

" Good morning , my love, " I smiled  looking down and seeing Darcia looking up at me giggling.  I then sat up in the hammock and held her in my arms making funny faces and watching her smile and laugh .  Her dark eyes could see right through me. Yet, all I  see is love going through her. So beautiful.

" Tomorrow is the day of the war," Peter said smirking, " I have a day to make up two years for you."

"Peter, No, Its fine."

" I missed two years of your smile. I have to make it up to you before anything else happens."

"But I can't get up, Peter. I just conceived child not even 15 hours ago."

"Give her to Jaime and Killian," Peter said stroking Darcia's cheek then putting his arm around me, "They were planning to have one after all."

" Peter, I'd love to, but I can't move."

"I think Sadie has some type of healing potion. It helps with the pain."

I looked down at Darcia, as if I were asking her for approval. She replied by giggling.

" Fine, Go get it."

" Alright babe." Peter then kissed me and disappeared in purple smoke.

Jaime then walked in 15 minutes after Peter left .

"Well look at mommy and her baby."

I laughed and held her hand, "I need you to do something for me. You have to do it. You love me."

"Ugh," Jaime sighed, "I know. I know. What's your wish madam prego?"

" Haha. Very funny. But I need you to take care of Darcia, Peter and I are gonna just be with each other for a bit."

" You just had a baby how-"

" He's getting this healing thing for pain."

" I knew he would. Pan never fails."

" But please take care of her."

"I will . I got her don't worry."

I then kissed Darcia's forehead and placed her in Jaime's arms. " Have fun babe," Jaime said exiting the door, "He better keep his hands to himself."

Jaime then walked in 15 minutes after Peter left .

"Well look at mommy and her baby."

I laughed and held her hand, "I need you to do something for me. You have to do it. You love me."

"Ugh," Jaime sighed, "I know. I know. What's your wish madam prego?"

" Haha. Very funny. But I need you to take care of Darcia, Peter and I are gonna just be with each other for a bit."

" You just had a baby how-"

" He's getting this healing thing for pain."

" I knew he would. Pan never fails."

" But please take care of her."

"I will . I got her don't worry."

I then kissed Darcia's forehead and placed her in Jaime's arms. " Have fun babe," Jaime said exiting the door, " He better keep his hands to himself."

Peter then came back with the potion. I then drank it and felt instantly better. "You feel better, Love?"

"Yeah. Just help me stand."

Peter wrapped one of arms around my back and the other arm holding my arm helping me to stand. I then stood up and my back cracked really loud. Peter and I laughed , we find that the littlest things are the funniest. Peter still held on to me as I took my first step. I felt fine. I could walk. Peter then let go slowly  and held my hand as we walked out the door.

We walked to this little creek of fresh water. Peter and I sat in the damp grass as it poured rain outside. These are things we do.

" Its, Funny how its not even thundering," Peter said. Thunder then clapped across the sky, " Well that's weird."

Peter and I then laughed so hard that we cried happy tears.

Peter then grabbed a yellow dandelion and placed it behind  my right ear pulling my hair back. He then looked down at my necklace. " You have the wishing star around your neck, "Peter gazed upon it and made a funny look, " Shiny. Like a diamond. Save your wish darling on something you need most."

" But," I grabbed the dandelion and blew the little white seeds from the stem, "You already are my wish."

Peter then grabbed my body so that I was laying on top of him. His fingers lingered my body as we kissed nonstop. We then stopped to catch our breath and smiled.

"You have always been my wish and I'm thankful it wasn't just another wish blown back into the grass ." Peter said as we continued to kiss in the rain.

*Jaimes P.O.V.*

I took Darcia to Killian's ship holding her close to me so she wouldn't get wet from the rain. I then walked below deck into the study where I found Killian with his feet on the desk.

Killian immediately brushed his feet off and sat up straight.

"Please please tell me that's Crystals baby and not yours."

I sighed, " Yes Hook its obviously my baby. Because I obviously looked pregnant . Ha ha no. Crystal told me to look after Darcia as they went out. "

"Love can't stop them babe," Killian looked at my body head to toe, "You'd be a pretty sexy mama."

" Shut up , " I laughed , " I just don't understand why they would want to go out all of a sudden."

Killian laughed, " Well, I do. Peter is the one who wanted to get her out."

".Why would he want to do that?"

Killian smiled , "Because he's proposing to her tonight."

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