What really Matters

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•Chapter 11•

*Crystals P.OV.*

Peter and I laid in the damp grass . I put my head onto his left shoulder with my left leg around his stomach with him holding my leg.

"You know, I still think Angel is pretty name." Peter said smiling.

"Some angels don't have wings like how not all superheroes wear capes."

Peter laughed intertwining our fingers, "Your an angel. You don't have wings. You have a beating heart that's so pure. That it makes my heart skip a beat."

"Well," I kissed Peter ,"Knowing you, You are way to good for me."

" You know so much about me  and you still haven't told me about the mysterious Crystal."

"Well, if I told you I wouldn't be a mystery."

Peter let out a small laugh, "Alright." Peter then stood up pulling me up with him.

Peter grabbed my hands and looked into my deep eyes,

" Oh Crystal. We've been on a very long journey yet that hasn't stopped us. Nothing will. I remember and know who you are. I still remember the little things as well. Like how I met you when we were younger, We met on the docks skipping rocks on the water. I still remember the loose braid you put in your hair smiling as if you were okay. I'm just happy I could turn the smile real," Peter then laughed and got down on one knee," Even though I met you on a sunny day on July 14th, I want to make you forever mine on a rainy day,"Peter looked deeply  into my eyes, "Will you marry me?"

I began to cry and smile,

"Yes Peter. Yes I will."

"Of all times, Peter." I kissed him.

" Well,I might as well do it with the night still young. I mean its only 11 o'clock. The war starts at dawn but who gives a damn?! I have the love of my life and the most beautiful baby girl in the galaxy."

I gazed at the ring that was on my ring finger, "This ring shines bright, but not as bright as my love for you."

"Crystal," Peter grabbed my hand as we started to walk back to Hooks ship, "In the morning when the time comes. Give Darcia to Sadie. She isn't fighting she swore an oath to protect our child. I want you at my side . Okay my love?"

" Whatever is best for Darcia. I'm okay with."

"Okay," Peter kissed me on my lips, "Let's go get lost ."

*Jaime's P.O.V *

I laid Darcia on a pillow that was on the couch and watched her as she slept. She looked so peaceful and-

My thoughts were interrupted by Killian's  footsteps.

"Why if it isn't mother goose protecting her sisters duckling," Hook said kissing my neck,"You know, I think its time."

I turned my head towards Killian and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You do?"

"Aye, seeing you with your sisters baby makes me want to have a family more."

"You sure its the family your after?"

" Darling, if I wanted to get into your pants already I would have already."

That's so freaking true.

I looked over at Darcia and then looked back at Killian.

" Let's do it." Hook said . The way he said sounded really sexy making me have goose bumps all over my body.

Killian pushed me against a wall kissing my neck with his hands lingering my body. He then unbuttoned by blouse revealing my bra kissing my stomach. He then started kissing me on my lips , hard. I grabbed Killian's hair lightly with my fingers getting tangled within his hair.

He then picked me up to where my legs were wrapped around his torso and held my ass as we walked straight into the bedroom while kissing.

Killian fell asleep a few minutes ago. I mean I don't blame him we were having "fun" for an hour. It's so cute watching him sleep. He's my oversized baby. "Were back!" Crystal yelled from the living room. " I'm coming!" I said. I then looked down and noticed I wasn't wearing anything. I then got on a robe and looked back at Killian to make sure he was still sleeping. I opened the door and

I then walked out of the bedroom.

"Hello!," I said closing the door behind me, "Congratulations babe!"

Crystal and I both squealed. " I know I know,  I'm just here for the warmth," Crystal then grabbed my hands, "I'm kidding  were just here to grab my two day old baby. I swear this baby has been through so much and already getting so big for two days!" Peter then walked over and got Darcia and held her in his arms.

"I'll be outside." Peter said.

Crystal waited until Peter closed the ship door behind him.

"You two were making love weren't you?" Crystal said.

I swear she knows everything!

"You know the greatest times to barge in."

" You love me Shh. Get some sleep. Pray to God Jack hasn't forgot about us."

" As you wish. "

Crystal and I then hugged. We hugged each other so tight that neither one of us wanted to let go. " I love you so much Crystal." I said putting my face into her shoulder.

" I love you more Jaime."

We then held each others shoulders looking into each others arms.

"Always?" Crystal asked.

"Always. "

We then let go and I watched Crystal glance at me one last time until she walked out the door.

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