Black and White Beginnings

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•Chapter 7•

"No!" Jaime yelled.

" Darling-" Hook said.

"No, he's worse then we are. He basically has a crush on Crystal and -"

Hook took Jaime's left hand , intertwining their fingers.

"Your just going to have to trust me," Hook looked at Jaime and then looked at all of us, "For Neverland."

Jaime nodded and Hook kissed her lightly on her lips.

Emily and Sadie giggled, Then Sadie started climbing a rope which led into the eagles nest near the sail. Emily went below deck to check if everything were working correctly.

Hook went up to the top and took the wheel of the ship. Jaime then took out a bean from her boot and threw it into the ocean creating a gigantic portal.

" Everybody Hold on! " Jaime yelled.

" Wait where are we going?!" I yelled back holding onto a rope.

"Pirates Cove!" Hook yelled back as we entered into the portal.

It took three seconds until we were able to breathe again from the portal. When we got out from the portal  we could tell that we weren't on the same ocean floor as we were before. We could tell.

I was able to see a small village with a dock near it.

Hook rested his ship on the dock . He then told Emily and Sadie to stay on the ship to guard it if anything would happen. Hook, Jaime, and I walked off the ship. When we got off we saw a man who had a tiny white pony tail and a 9°clock after shave. " Aye, who's this young lady?" The man asked " A friend. I'm here with my wife and were here to see Jack." Hook said silently

The man laughed , " He's in the bar, drunk on rum again ." " Thanks." Hook said as he gestured us to walk forward. We came into this building that smelled like rum and smoke. " He's at the bar, Crystal. You do whatever you have to do . Jaime and I will be over in the corner. Okay?"

"Okay." I said.

I then turned and walked towards the bar. I then saw him, I knew that it was Jack and that I trust him. Jack was sitting at the bar raising his empty glass.

" Why is the Rum always gone? Another my great man!"

I sat down next to him and gestured the bar tender towards me.

"Whiskey keep it light on the ice."

The bar tender nodded and then continued to make the drink.

Jack turned his body towards me.

" Holy shit your alive. Surprise, surprise ."

"Can't get rid of me that easily can you , Captain?"

"Well," Jack laid his hand on top of mine, "Your here for a reason. What do you need ,lost girl ?"

"An army."

Jack gagged on his drink .

"I swear to God its either an army or to help kill someone with you."

I sound pretty badass.

"War is coming to Neverland."

Jack studied me for a second and smirked.

"I will help , on one condition."


"Your drinks on me."

I smiled.

" Okay, but how will you know when to come?"

Jack pressed his lips to my ear,"I'll know. Because that's when you'll need me most. I'll already be on my way."

I then stood up and kissed Jack on his cheek, " Thank you."

I then turned around and started walking out the door.

" Anything for you, Angel."

I then stopped and turned around with a scared look on my face. We looked at each other face to face, but I just smiled and kept walking. I saw Jaime look at me and gestured me to wait outside. I walked out the door and headed straight for the dock. I came to the dock and sat down on the edge of it.

I stared into the ocean looking at how blue and busy it was until something blocked me vision. A girl came up from the water . She had deep red hair with sparkling green eyes. She was topless but her hair was covering up her breasts.

"I can tell you don't remember me , Crystal."

" How do you know me?"

" Everyone knows you, They just can't find you."

The girl handed me a necklace that looks like a star and has a blue gem in the middle.

" What is this?"

" A wishing star, Wear it around your neck always ."

I tied the necklace around my neck and looked at it closely.


" Hopefully I'll see you again, my darling."

She then dived into the water with the last thing coming up was a large green tail that looked like a fishes tail.

" You coming?" Jaime said from behind.

" Yeah, Let's go."

I then got up and walked onto the ship.

I saw that Hook was back behind the wheel.

" Where we going now? "

" Neverland. We have three days before the war starts . Doesn't hurt getting home early."

"Whatever you say captain."

He nodded and smiled at me.

I walked through one of the doors thst led to the cabin. I went straight to my bunk and laid down. I stroked my stomach noticing how its gotten larger. I also stared at the necklace the lady gave me and kissed it. I wasn't going to use my wish yet. Not just yet. But I closed my eyes determined to see Peter again.

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