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•Chapter 12• *Crystals P.O.V.* Peter, Darcia, and I have just returned to Peter's tree house. Peter comes in between before me and places Darcia in the  hammock. I watched her eyes slowly shut until she was fully asleep.

"How can she sleep so peacefully?" Peter questioned.

I walked over by Peter, hugging his arm with my head laying on his shoulder.

"She's not sleeping. If anything she's resting. She doesn't fully sleep until all else is calm," I then looked at Darcia, watching her squirm as she dreamt, "She takes after us. She can't sleep when there's a lot on her mind ."

Peter then nudged me off of his shoulder and turned around holding my hands, standing face to face keeping our eye contact intact. " We have to practice." Peter said walking to the closet forcing me to let go . I stood still.

" Bloody hell do you mean practice? Practice what?"

Peter threw a sword and a gun towards my feet, "Fighting."

" At One A.M.?" I laughed.

Peter then mocked my laughter, "Yup."

"I know how to fight Peter, I kn-"

"I know you can fight darling. Don't get me wrong I've seen it. But I mean when was the last time you fought?," I opened my mouth but before I could speak Peter continued, " Years, babe years. "

" So you just you and I will be practicing?"

"No, Not exactly," Peter walked out of the closet and rested on the rim of it . Itching behind his head, "You, Me, Jaime, and Hook."

" What about Emily and Sadie?"

"Emily isn't on Neverland at the moment. She's with Jack. They've been getting..close per say," Peter placed his hand on my shoulder as his hand stroked down my

arm holding my hand, "But with Sadie she's protecting our daughter with a protection spell. They'll be in a vault nothing can get in or out. She has full control of the spell."

"But what if-"

"I trust them," Peter kissed me lightly on my lips, "They are a part of you after all."

Peter then went back into the closet looking for something. Lots of clattering are going on in that room. I then picked up the sword in my right hand and the  gun in my left. I then looked around my dress wondering where I could put these items.

"Uhm ,Peter."

"Yes,my love!" He yelled from the closet. I can't see him from where I'm standing.

" Where the hell am I going to put the sword and gun? Because I don't have any skin pockets."

Peter laughed as he was still rummaging through the closet, "Your not wearing that babe. You look like a mother."

" I am a mom."

" So I've heard babe."

"What the hell are you looking for ?"

"Clothes." "Oh, okay while your window shopping I'm just gonna stand here."

"Funny. I promise you on the inside I'm dying of laughter," Peter then walked out with a black leather body suit. It looked tight around the whole body. It has a zip up in the front and not in the back with a belt on the torso where I'm suppose to place my gun and sword, "This is hot." Peter said throwing the outfit to me.

I caught it then placed it on the floor then put my hands on my hips and gave Peter a look.

"What?" Peter questioned.

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