She's coming

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•Chapter 8•

I then held the necklace tight in my hand until I fell asleep and started to dream.

I was back on Neverland but I was in Pan's treehouse . I was in a hammock and I was holding a baby. It was a baby girl. I kept rocking the baby while whispering, "Daddy loves you. Mommy loves you. Everything will be okay." I then kissed the baby girl on her forehead laying my cheek on her head.  Sadie then walked in. She rested her shoulder on the edge of the door and sighed.

" We'll find him, Crystal. Here," Sadie held her arms out, "Let me take her." I then looked deep into the babies eyes.  Her dark brown eyes looking up at me. Her eyes are like fire. The baby then smiled at me. I kissed her on her soft and delicate lips and gave her to Sadie. Sadie smiled and started talking in a baby voice. " Hi baby. It's Auntie Sadie," She smiled and the baby laughed. Sadie then looked back up at me, " Oh and Crystal. Someone is here to see you on the beach." I got up from the hammock and walked out the door. I then  ran to the beach to find Jack looking at me.

" Crystal..."

" Jack!"

I then ran into Jack's arms falling to the ground. As soon as I did thunder started to roar across the sky as well as lighting.  Jack held me close. Holding me to where I can hear his heartbeat.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay, We'll find him baby.

We'll find him." I then woke up to Jaime shaking me.

"Get your lazy ass up. We just arrived to Neverland."

I ran out onto the first deck. Feeling  the fresh air run past my skin. It felt heavenly. I then saw Neverland with Peter waiting on the shore . " Hurry up! Hook ! I need to see Peter!!". I screamed.

"I'm not going to argue with a pregnant lady. But I'm going as fast as I can." 3 minutes later we got off the ship. The second I stepped onto the sand is when I  saw Peter, clearly . "Angel!" He yelled.

"Peter!" I yelled back.

We ran into each others arms. And hugged for what seemed like forever.

He then placed my hands around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist.

"Angel, There's something I've been meaning to do."

He then kissed me, and I felt a huge change like a big gust of thick air come through me. I remembered, everything. I knew who I was, I knew who Peter was, I remembered the things I done ,


Peter then let his lips go from mine and stared into my eyes and smiled.



" Oh - Oh my-"

" Bloody hell do you mean , Pan?" Hook chimed in.

"Oh Crystal , I love you so much," Peter put our heads together, "We always found each other."

"Always." I said kissing him lightly.

" And the baby! The remarkable baby. I still believe the baby will have your dark eyes, my love."

"Yeah, The babies gotten big. Very big."

" This ," Peter stroked my stomach, " is the making of a lost boy and a lost girl. We finally created something meant to be found."

I then laughed and kissed his cheek.

" I will always see your face within the babies though-" I started to cry.

Peter wiped the tears from my face. He then shed a tear.

"I still see you , in the wind, the flowers," Peters voice cracked, "Its like you never left."

I kissed Peter .

"I have never have." "Wait, Where's Felix?"

"That's not good we can't find him."

" We can't trust him Peter he could harm you, He could harm the baby." I started heavily breathing.

"He's not on the Island," Peter looked deep into my eyes, " I would know and I would feel it."

The memory of Felix was dark. I couldn't trust him . He never liked Peter or Me or my sisters or Our parents only wanted to harm us. And then ran away ...and became lost.

That's How "Lost Boys" started, Not because of Peter but because of


*Jaime's P.O.V.* The way Crystal looks is ..Fearful. I've never seen her look so afraid. My sister fearing for her love and her baby. I've never seen anyone love someone as much as Crystal loves Peter. Killian then interrupted my train of thought.

He came over to me and held my hand.

"She's strong,Love."

"She's breaking , Killian."

"If she made it this far from Pirates Cove to Neverland pregnant. I know she can do anything."

"She's too strong," I saw the way Peter looks at her, with so much love and hope, "I've never seen her so in love. I never want that to end for her. On a different note Emily was just telling me earlier that the baby should be due soon. She looks it."

"Aye, Tough ass baby I should say."

"I've always liked Peter. Ever since all five of us were on the Black Pearl. He just looked at her like - like love at first sight ."

" I've never liked that bloody demon," Hook looked over at Crystal and Peter smiling, " But I still have a soft spot for that guy. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have it."

" I bet."

"You know," Killian looked down at his shoes, " Maybe we could have a family of our own ."

I raised my eyebrows at Killian.

" Yeah, Mhm, okay. I'll take it under consideration. After all this drama ends . Let's do it." I smiled. Hook then kissed me hard on my lips. Leaving the taste of rum on my lips.

" Do you think we'll win the war?"

"I have faith Killian, I have faith."

*Crystals P.O.V.* Nightfall came earlier then we expected. Hook,Jaime,Sadie,Emily, Peter, and I all made a fire on the beach. After the fire was lit we all stood around it.

"War comes in 2 days" Sadie said.

" I know. And we will win." I said.

" I have faith we will." Jaime added.

" I don't want to lose you guys. Were a family. A bit of a broken one but we manage. Were pirates," Emily said looking at Peter, "Whether we like it or not."

" We're doing this for Neverland. And for each other ." I said.

Peter grabbed my hand.

" For Neverland!!" Peter yelled.

"For Neverland!!" We all yelled.

"Aggh!!!" I yelled. I fell down holding my stomach. I laid on my back. Breathing in heavily I looked down at my legs and water had broke.

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