Tears are Grace

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•Chapter 9• " We gotta get her to the tree house. Immediately! " Peter yelled. " It's gonna be okay baby." Peter whispered.

He then picked me up and started running towards the tree house. The pain shooting through my body didn't really matter right now. Peter does. The only thing I could think about was how his heart pounded tremendously , How he felt , Him being a father, How the war can affect him.  He'll never know I'm so thankful for him, for staying.

We then came into the tree house with everyone rushing in at once. Peter then  laid me down in his hammock and put a pillow behind my head. Peter then came beside me and held my hand.

" Its okay baby. Don't worry I'm here. Just breathe. Breathe." Peter said calmly.

I then screamed in pain.

" Peter," I looked at him in his eyes, "If anything happens to me take the baby. Please. If you had to save me or the baby. Save the baby." I cried.

"I'm not letting you go, Not again. We're gonna do this together," Peter stared into my eyes with no expression,"Always."


"Alright," Jaime chimed in and me and smiled , "Let's do this ."

Emily came up om my other side and held my hand and nodded. Sadie stood beside Jaime with a towel. Hook was sitting in a chair because he just lost it.

" On the count of three you push,Okay?" Jaime said.

I screamed.

" I'm going to take that as a yes," Jaime chuckled, " Alright 1...2...3."

I pushed  and screamed squeezing Peter's hand close to me as well as Emily's.

"Alright Crystal, The babies almost out . You gotta push one more time," Jaime looked up at me and I nodded, "1..2..3.!"

I then let out one final push and the baby came out. Sadie then cut the Umbilical cord and grabbed the towel she was holding to wipe the baby off in Jaime's arms. Jaime then wrapped the baby in a blanket and said, " Its a baby girl."

I reached my arms out to hold my baby is MY arms. Jaime then motioned everyone to get out except Peter and I .

" I told you the baby would have your eyes. " Peter smiled.

" She does. Peter , your a father!" I started to cry .

"And your a mother!" Peters voice cracked . He then burst into tears looking at the babies face then mine.

" She has your heart Peter. Her eyes are already open."

" Our baby," Peter wiped the baby's forehead, " She's found."

" She's our little infinity."

" What should we name her? " Peter smiled.

" Something different. Something she likes a lot."

" She likes sleeping." Peter laughed .

" She's a dreamer. "

Peter and I then shared the same look and said at the same time, "Darcia."

"Little Darcia." I said smiling.

Peter then frowned.

"You have to stay in here during the war-"

"What? No I'm fighting with you."

" You can't , you just had a baby. You have to stay here for her," Peter looked at Darcia and she smiled, "She needs her mommy."

"She also needs her daddy,Peter."

" And she always will, No matter what. I am with you, through her."


"I'm here , always."

"Hold her."

" The baby?"

" Yes," I started to cry, " She needs to know what its like to be held by a father who loves her." Peter then wiped my tears off my face. " Just for a second babe. She needs her mommy too."

"She spent months with me, Hold her."

I then put Darcia in Peter's arms. Peter looked down at her and began to cry. He loves her. You can tell by the way he looks into her eyes. The baby smiled and waved her hand up at him like she was saying, 'Dont cry, I need you'. He then kissed her forehead rocking her and whispering,

" Daddy loves you,

Mommy loves you,

That's never gonna change my love."

Night came and Peter laid next  to me on the hammock  holding the baby. He never let the baby go ever since I put her in his arms. I was listening to the conversation he was having with the baby.

He kept kissing her telling her that he loves her and that's never gonna change. Infinity times infinity.

I then peaked my eye open  at Peter and Darcia.  Darcia was asleep burrowing herself into his neck. Peter laid his cheek on her delicate head holding her tiny little body that fit in one hand. Rain was pouring outside as well as thundering . I'm surprised Darcia hasn't woken up. Well actually I'm not, That's how Peter is, he doesn't let the little things distract him .

Darcia then stretched a little but still remained to sleep.

Peter then began to sing to her,

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, "

Thunder clapped outside, " You make me happy when skies are grey," Peter almost started to choke on his tears,

"You'll never know dear , How much I love you," A tear escaped from Peter's eye and then whispered almost like a prayer,

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

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