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Chapter 3

The next morning I woke up in  Pan's tree house on the floor . I lifted my tired  eyes to catch Peter sitting cross-legged in front of me smiling. "Morning Angel." Peter said while brushing the loose hairs off of my face.

"How did I get inside of here?"

"I carried you and put you on the floor. You're safe don't worry Angel you're inside my tree house . Nothing can harm you," He stood up, reaching his hand out at me, "I want to tell you who she was, the girl who you remind me of."

"O-okay then."

I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. At that moment we were face to face. His face looked so..kissable. We both turned away , but we never let our hands go.

"So about this girl.."

" I know I'm going to tell you the story Ms. Pushy," He said with a sarcastic smile,

"Her name is Crystal, We did love each other. She had eyes like fire, just like yours. Literally the same. The last day we saw each other she was telling me she had to go on a trip with her brother to see her father again. But when she was on a ship with only her and her brother a storm came. She fell overboard and was never seen since."

"How do you know that?"

"Her bloody brother who's a dumb ass put a note in a bottle and it washed up onto Neverland."

Peter took my hand and helped me down from the tree house.

" You'll find her."

" I feel like I already have love," Peter kissed my hand, " I have you're ass to worry about."

Peter took me to the beach. He looked around the perimeter then said,

"I'll be right back." Peter said as he put a lock of my hair behind my ear.  I watched Peter walk into the woods until I couldn't see him at all. He left me alone.  As soon as I turn my head back around I see Felix is sitting right beside me on the other side. "Well well, why if it isn't Pan's girl." He said with a hateful laugh.

"Hello Felix." I said bitterly. "Hah. funny, you know lost girl-"

"Why the hell are you here."

"Fine, princess  I wouldn't have come to talk to you unless it was an emergency," Felix looked deeper into my eyes, "Be careful around Pan."

I looked at him with confusion.

" What do you mean?"

Felix let out a soft laugh.

" He's not the character you think he is" "H-How so ?"

"God dammit you're a girl with so many questions , But so smart. I need to tell you th-"

"What the hell are you doing Felix?!" A voice yelled .Peter.

"Were just having a normal conversation Peter. No need to be jealous. I'm not stealing you're girl."

Peter grabbed me holding me tightly in his arms. "Don't you ever talk shit about anything with her. "

Felix looked over to me and said into my mind,

'Meet me on the Beach when you get the chance.' Felix said into my mind. I replied 'Okay'. I realized the moment I said okay, I knew everything was about  to Change.Nightfall came rather quickly and Peter and I  headed back to the tree house. "I'm so sorry,Angel"

"Don't be sorry you did nothing wrong ."

"I left you alone. I'm never leaving you out of my sight again. Just the sight of you with him," Peter shook his head in disgust,"makes me furious ."

"Well, That proves you have a heart after all," I said smoothly,

" Go to bed Peter. I'm gonna walk around a bit."

"Bloody hell do you mean you're walking around 'a bit'. I d-"

"Peter I'll just yell you're name if I need you. And if I don't come back. You know to come."

Peter kissed my forehead then sighed. "Fine, Be back before Midnight which is 30 minutes away or I'll come after you and find you."

"You always find me  Peter its you're specialty ."

After I said that I felt the energy of his body it felt warm and loved.

I walked onto the  beach to find Felix poking the sand with a stick. "Ah, You came, knew you would."

"What do you want with me?"

" Don't be scared darling. I'm not gonna hurt you .  I asked you to come for you to understand something well," Felix smirked,

" All of you're answers will be answered its only a matter of time ."

"Why would you help me with any of this shit I don't understand,"

Felix put his index finger to my lips, "I know who you are and where you came from so I suggest you listen carefully," Felix slowly took his finger off of my lips, " I'm going to take you home, Crystal."

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